There are serval macros available to configure the behaviour of the GFX-Library.

HAL macros:

	#define HAL_USE_GFX					// enables the GDISP sub system. This is essentially needed to use the display
	#define HAL_USE_TOUCHPAD			// enables the TouchPad sub system. This is essentially needed to use the touchpad

GDISP macors:

	#define GDISP_USE_GPIO				// GDISP is connected to the MCU using GPIO interface, involves using lld_lcdWriteGPIO() and lld_lcdReadGPIO()
	#define GDISP_USE_FSMC				// GDISP is connected to the MCU using FSMC interface
	#define GDISP_USE_SPI				// GDISP is connected to the MCU using SPI interface

	#define GDISP_SCREEN_WIDTH			// defines width of panel in pixels. This is essentially needed to use the display
	#define GDISP_SCREEN_HEIGHT			// defines height of panel in pixels. This is essentailly needed to use the display

	#define GDISP_NEED_MULTITHREAD		// GDISP will be accessed across different threads -> thread safe mode 
	#define GDISP_NEED_CONTROL			// must be set to TRUE if controll access to the LCD controller is needed, eg for changing orientation or power mode

TouchPad macros:

	#define TOUCHPAD_NEED_MULTITHREAD	// TouchPad will be accessed across different threads -> thread safe mode
	#define TOUCHPAD_XY_INVERTED		// output of tpReadX() and tpReadY() swapped - needed if touchpad writes swapped to touchpad controller

	#define TOUCHPAD_STORE_CALIBRATION	// calibration values can be stored if set to true. Therefore tpCalibration() is not neccessary to call on each reset. involves using lld_tpWriteCalibration() and lld_tpReadCalibration()