# # DMBS Build System # Released into the public domain. # # dean [at] fourwalledcubicle [dot] com # www.fourwalledcubicle.com # DMBS_BUILD_MODULES += GCC DMBS_BUILD_TARGETS += size symbol-sizes all lib elf bin hex lss clean mostlyclean DMBS_BUILD_MANDATORY_VARS += TARGET ARCH MCU SRC DMBS_BUILD_OPTIONAL_VARS += COMPILER_PATH OPTIMIZATION C_STANDARD CPP_STANDARD F_CPU C_FLAGS DMBS_BUILD_OPTIONAL_VARS += CPP_FLAGS ASM_FLAGS CC_FLAGS LD_FLAGS OBJDIR OBJECT_FILES DEBUG_TYPE DMBS_BUILD_OPTIONAL_VARS += DEBUG_LEVEL LINKER_RELAXATIONS JUMP_TABLES LTO DMBS_BUILD_PROVIDED_VARS += DMBS_BUILD_PROVIDED_MACROS += # Import the CORE module of DMBS DMBS_MODULE_PATH := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) include $(DMBS_MODULE_PATH)/core.mk # Default values of optionally user-supplied variables COMPILER_PATH ?= OPTIMIZATION ?= s F_CPU ?= C_STANDARD ?= gnu99 CPP_STANDARD ?= gnu++98 C_FLAGS ?= CPP_FLAGS ?= ASM_FLAGS ?= CC_FLAGS ?= OBJDIR ?= obj OBJECT_FILES ?= DEBUG_FORMAT ?= dwarf-2 DEBUG_LEVEL ?= 2 LINKER_RELAXATIONS ?= Y JUMP_TABLES ?= N LTO ?= N # Sanity check user supplied values $(foreach MANDATORY_VAR, $(DMBS_BUILD_MANDATORY_VARS), $(call ERROR_IF_UNSET, $(MANDATORY_VAR))) $(call ERROR_IF_EMPTY, MCU) $(call ERROR_IF_EMPTY, TARGET) $(call ERROR_IF_EMPTY, ARCH) $(call ERROR_IF_EMPTY, OPTIMIZATION) $(call ERROR_IF_EMPTY, C_STANDARD) $(call ERROR_IF_EMPTY, CPP_STANDARD) $(call ERROR_IF_EMPTY, OBJDIR) $(call ERROR_IF_EMPTY, DEBUG_FORMAT) $(call ERROR_IF_EMPTY, DEBUG_LEVEL) $(call ERROR_IF_NONBOOL, LINKER_RELAXATIONS) $(call ERROR_IF_NONBOOL, JUMP_TABLES) $(call ERROR_IF_NONBOOL, LTO) # Determine the utility prefix to use for the selected architecture ifeq ($(ARCH), AVR8) CROSS := $(COMPILER_PATH)avr else ifeq ($(ARCH), XMEGA) CROSS := $(COMPILER_PATH)avr else ifeq ($(ARCH), UC3) CROSS := $(COMPILER_PATH)avr32 else $(error Unsupported architecture "$(ARCH)") endif # Output Messages MSG_INFO_MESSAGE := ' [INFO] :' MSG_COMPILE_CMD := ' [GCC] :' MSG_ASSEMBLE_CMD := ' [GAS] :' MSG_NM_CMD := ' [NM] :' MSG_REMOVE_CMD := ' [RM] :' MSG_LINK_CMD := ' [LNK] :' MSG_ARCHIVE_CMD := ' [AR] :' MSG_SIZE_CMD := ' [SIZE] :' MSG_OBJCPY_CMD := ' [OBJCPY] :' MSG_OBJDMP_CMD := ' [OBJDMP] :' # Convert input source file list to differentiate them by type C_SOURCE := $(filter %.c, $(SRC)) CPP_SOURCE := $(filter %.cpp, $(SRC)) ASM_SOURCE := $(filter %.S, $(SRC)) # Create a list of unknown source file types, if any are found throw an error UNKNOWN_SOURCE := $(filter-out $(C_SOURCE) $(CPP_SOURCE) $(ASM_SOURCE), $(SRC)) ifneq ($(UNKNOWN_SOURCE),) $(error Unknown input source file formats: $(UNKNOWN_SOURCE)) endif # Convert input source filenames into a list of required output object files OBJECT_FILES += $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(SRC))) # Check if an output object file directory was specified instead of the input file location ifneq ($(OBJDIR),.) # Prefix all the object filenames with the output object file directory path OBJECT_FILES := $(addprefix $(patsubst %/,%,$(OBJDIR))/, $(notdir $(OBJECT_FILES))) # Check if any object file (without path) appears more than once in the object file list ifneq ($(words $(sort $(OBJECT_FILES))), $(words $(OBJECT_FILES))) $(error Cannot build with OBJDIR parameter set - one or more object file name is not unique) endif # Create the output object file directory if it does not exist and add it to the virtual path list $(shell mkdir -p $(OBJDIR) 2> /dev/null) VPATH += $(dir $(SRC)) endif # Create a list of dependency files from the list of object files DEPENDENCY_FILES := $(OBJECT_FILES:%.o=%.d) # Create a list of common flags to pass to the compiler/linker/assembler BASE_CC_FLAGS := -pipe -g$(DEBUG_FORMAT) -g$(DEBUG_LEVEL) ifneq ($(findstring $(ARCH), AVR8 XMEGA),) BASE_C_FLAGS += -fpack-struct BASE_CC_FLAGS += -mmcu=$(MCU) -fshort-enums -fno-inline-small-functions else ifneq ($(findstring $(ARCH), UC3),) BASE_CC_FLAGS += -mpart=$(MCU:at32%=%) -masm-addr-pseudos endif BASE_CC_FLAGS += -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -ffunction-sections -fdiagnostics-color BASE_CC_FLAGS += -I. BASE_CC_FLAGS += -DARCH=ARCH_$(ARCH) ifneq ($(F_CPU),) BASE_CC_FLAGS += -DF_CPU=$(F_CPU)UL endif ifeq ($(LINKER_RELAXATIONS), Y) BASE_CC_FLAGS += -mrelax endif ifeq ($(JUMP_TABLES), N) # This flag is required for bootloaders as GCC will emit invalid jump table # assembly code for devices with large amounts of flash; the jump table target # is extracted from FLASH without using the correct ELPM instruction, resulting # in a pseudo-random jump target. BASE_CC_FLAGS += -fno-jump-tables endif ifeq ($(LTO), Y) # Enable link time optimization to reduce overall flash size. BASE_CC_FLAGS += -flto -fuse-linker-plugin BASE_LD_FLAGS += -flto -fuse-linker-plugin endif # Additional language specific compiler flags BASE_C_FLAGS := -x c -O$(OPTIMIZATION) -std=$(C_STANDARD) -Wstrict-prototypes BASE_CPP_FLAGS := -x c++ -O$(OPTIMIZATION) -std=$(CPP_STANDARD) -fno-exceptions -fno-threadsafe-statics BASE_ASM_FLAGS := -x assembler-with-cpp # Create a list of flags to pass to the linker BASE_LD_FLAGS := -lm -Wl,-Map=$(TARGET).map,--cref -Wl,--gc-sections ifeq ($(LINKER_RELAXATIONS), Y) BASE_LD_FLAGS += -Wl,--relax endif ifneq ($(findstring $(ARCH), AVR8 XMEGA),) BASE_LD_FLAGS += -mmcu=$(MCU) else ifneq ($(findstring $(ARCH), UC3),) BASE_LD_FLAGS += -mpart=$(MCU:at32%=%) --rodata-writable --direct-data endif # Determine flags to pass to the size utility based on its reported features (only invoke if size target required) # and on an architecture where this non-standard patch is available ifneq ($(ARCH), UC3) size: SIZE_MCU_FLAG := $(shell $(CROSS)-size --help | grep -- --mcu > /dev/null && echo --mcu=$(MCU) ) size: SIZE_FORMAT_FLAG := $(shell $(CROSS)-size --help | grep -- --format=.*avr > /dev/null && echo --format=avr ) endif # Pre-build informational target, to give compiler and project name information when building build_begin: @echo $(MSG_INFO_MESSAGE) Begin compilation of project \"$(TARGET)\"... @echo "" @$(CROSS)-gcc --version # Post-build informational target, to project name information when building has completed build_end: @echo $(MSG_INFO_MESSAGE) Finished building project \"$(TARGET)\". # Prints size information of a compiled application (FLASH, RAM and EEPROM usages) size: $(TARGET).elf @echo $(MSG_SIZE_CMD) Determining size of \"$<\" @echo "" $(CROSS)-size $(SIZE_MCU_FLAG) $(SIZE_FORMAT_FLAG) $< # Prints size information on the symbols within a compiled application in decimal bytes symbol-sizes: $(TARGET).elf @echo $(MSG_NM_CMD) Extracting \"$<\" symbols with decimal byte sizes $(CROSS)-nm --size-sort --demangle --radix=d $< # Cleans intermediary build files, leaving only the compiled application files mostlyclean: @echo $(MSG_REMOVE_CMD) Removing object files of \"$(TARGET)\" rm -f $(OBJECT_FILES) @echo $(MSG_REMOVE_CMD) Removing dependency files of \"$(TARGET)\" rm -f $(DEPENDENCY_FILES) # Cleans all build files, leaving only the original source code clean: mostlyclean @echo $(MSG_REMOVE_CMD) Removing output files of \"$(TARGET)\" rm -f $(TARGET).elf $(TARGET).hex $(TARGET).bin $(TARGET).eep $(TARGET).map $(TARGET).lss $(TARGET).sym lib$(TARGET).a # Performs a complete build of the user application and prints size information afterwards all: build_begin elf hex bin lss sym size build_end # Helper targets, to build a specific type of output file without having to know the project target name lib: lib$(TARGET).a elf: $(TARGET).elf hex: $(TARGET).hex $(TARGET).eep bin: $(TARGET).bin lss: $(TARGET).lss sym: $(TARGET).sym # Default target to *create* the user application's specified source files; if this rule is executed by # make, the input source file doesn't exist and an error needs to be presented to the user $(SRC): $(error Source file does not exist: $@) # Compiles an input C source file and generates an assembly listing for it %.s: %.c $(MAKEFILE_LIST) @echo $(MSG_COMPILE_CMD) Generating assembly from C file \"$(notdir $<)\" $(CROSS)-gcc -S $(BASE_CC_FLAGS) $(BASE_C_FLAGS) $(CC_FLAGS) $(C_FLAGS) $($(notdir $<)_FLAGS) $< -o $@ # Compiles an input C++ source file and generates an assembly listing for it %.s: %.cpp $(MAKEFILE_LIST) @echo $(MSG_COMPILE_CMD) Generating assembly from C++ file \"$(notdir $<)\" $(CROSS)-gcc -S $(BASE_CC_FLAGS) $(BASE_CPP_FLAGS) $(CC_FLAGS) $(CPP_FLAGS) $($(notdir $<)_FLAGS) $< -o $@ # Compiles an input C source file and generates a linkable object file for it $(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.c $(MAKEFILE_LIST) @echo $(MSG_COMPILE_CMD) Compiling C file \"$(notdir $<)\" $(CROSS)-gcc -c $(BASE_CC_FLAGS) $(BASE_C_FLAGS) $(CC_FLAGS) $(C_FLAGS) $($(notdir $<)_FLAGS) -MMD -MP -MF $(@:%.o=%.d) $< -o $@ # Compiles an input C++ source file and generates a linkable object file for it $(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.cpp $(MAKEFILE_LIST) @echo $(MSG_COMPILE_CMD) Compiling C++ file \"$(notdir $<)\" $(CROSS)-gcc -c $(BASE_CC_FLAGS) $(BASE_CPP_FLAGS) $(CC_FLAGS) $(CPP_FLAGS) $($(notdir $<)_FLAGS) -MMD -MP -MF $(@:%.o=%.d) $< -o $@ # Assembles an input ASM source file and generates a linkable object file for it $(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.S $(MAKEFILE_LIST) @echo $(MSG_ASSEMBLE_CMD) Assembling \"$(notdir $<)\" $(CROSS)-gcc -c $(BASE_CC_FLAGS) $(BASE_ASM_FLAGS) $(CC_FLAGS) $(ASM_FLAGS) $($(notdir $<)_FLAGS) -MMD -MP -MF $(@:%.o=%.d) $< -o $@ # Generates a library archive file from the user application, which can be linked into other applications .PRECIOUS : $(OBJECT_FILES) .SECONDARY : %.a %.a: $(OBJECT_FILES) @echo $(MSG_ARCHIVE_CMD) Archiving object files into \"$@\" $(CROSS)-ar rcs $@ $(OBJECT_FILES) # Generates an ELF debug file from the user application, which can be further processed for FLASH and EEPROM data # files, or used for programming and debugging directly .PRECIOUS : $(OBJECT_FILES) .SECONDARY : %.elf %.elf: $(OBJECT_FILES) @echo $(MSG_LINK_CMD) Linking object files into \"$@\" $(CROSS)-gcc $^ -o $@ $(BASE_LD_FLAGS) $(LD_FLAGS) # Extracts out the loadable FLASH memory data from the project ELF file, and creates an Intel HEX format file of it %.hex: %.elf @echo $(MSG_OBJCPY_CMD) Extracting HEX file data from \"$<\" $(CROSS)-objcopy -O ihex -R .eeprom -R .fuse -R .lock -R .signature $< $@ # Extracts out the loadable FLASH memory data from the project ELF file, and creates an Binary format file of it %.bin: %.elf @echo $(MSG_OBJCPY_CMD) Extracting BIN file data from \"$<\" $(CROSS)-objcopy -O binary -R .eeprom -R .fuse -R .lock -R .signature $< $@ # Extracts out the loadable EEPROM memory data from the project ELF file, and creates an Intel HEX format file of it %.eep: %.elf @echo $(MSG_OBJCPY_CMD) Extracting EEP file data from \"$<\" $(CROSS)-objcopy -O ihex -j .eeprom --set-section-flags=.eeprom="alloc,load" --change-section-lma .eeprom=0 --no-change-warnings $< $@ || exit 0 # Creates an assembly listing file from an input project ELF file, containing interleaved assembly and source data %.lss: %.elf @echo $(MSG_OBJDMP_CMD) Extracting LSS file data from \"$<\" $(CROSS)-objdump -h -d -S -z $< > $@ # Creates a symbol file listing the loadable and discarded symbols from an input project ELF file %.sym: %.elf @echo $(MSG_NM_CMD) Extracting SYM file data from \"$<\" $(CROSS)-nm -n $< > $@ # Include build dependency files -include $(DEPENDENCY_FILES) # Phony build targets for this module .PHONY: build_begin build_end $(DMBS_BUILD_TARGETS)