DMBS - Dean's Makefile Build System =================================== Module: CPPCHECK ----------------- The CPPCHECK module provides build targets to perform static analysis of the user application, using the open source `cppcheck` tool. ## Importing This Module into a Makefile: To use this module in your application makefile, add the following code to your makefile: include $(DMBS_PATH)/ ## Prerequisites: This module requires the `cppcheck` utility to be available in your system's `PATH` variable. The `cppcheck` utility is distributed on the project's [official site]( but is also made available in many *nix operating system's package managers. ## Build Targets: The following targets are supported by this module:
cppcheck Scan the project with CPPCHECK, and show all discovered issues.
cppcheck-config Check the project with CPPCHECK, to find missing header paths.
## Mandatory Variables: The following variables must be defined (with a `NAME = VALUE` syntax, one variable per line) in the user makefile to be able to use this module:
SRC List of all project source files to scan.
## Optional Variables: The following variables may be defined (with a `NAME = VALUE` syntax, one variable per line) in the user makefile. If not specified, a default value will be assumed.
CPPCHECK_INCLUDES Extra include paths to search, for any missing header files. Default is empty (no additional paths).
CPPCHECK_EXCLUDES List of source files, file paths or path fragments to exclude from the scan. Default is empty (no exclusions).
CPPCHECK_MSG_TEMPLATE Template for error and warning message output. Default is `{file}:{line}: {severity} ({id}): {message}`.
CPPCHECK_ENABLE List of CPPCHECK checks to enable. Default is `all`.
CPPCHECK_SUPPRESS List of CPPCHECK checks to ignore. Default is `variableScope missingInclude`.
CPPCHECK_FAIL_ON_WARNING Boolean, if `Y` the build will fail if CPPCHECK discovers any errors or warnings. If `N`, fail only on errors. Default is `Y`.
CPPCHECK_QUIET Boolean, if `Y` CPPCHECK will suppress all output except for discovered errors or warnings. If `N`, scan progress will be emitted. Default is `Y`.
CPPCHECK_FLAGS_ Additional flags to pass to CPPCHECK when scans are started. Default is empty (no additional flags).
## Provided Variables: The following variables may be referenced in a user makefile (via `$(NAME)` syntax) if desired, as they are provided by this module.
N/A This module provides no variables.
## Provided Macros: The following macros may be referenced in a user makefile (via `$(call NAME, ARG1, ARG2, ...)` syntax) if desired, as they are provided by this module.
N/A This module provides no macros.
## Module Changelog: The changes to this module since its initial release are listed below, as of the DMBS version where the change was made. ### 20160403 Initial release.