#!/usr/bin/python2.4 # # Copyright 2008, Google Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """Builds the Google Test (gtest) lib; this is for Windows projects using SCons and can probably be easily extended for cross-platform SCons builds. The compilation settings from your project will be used, with some specific flags required for gtest added. You should be able to call this file from more or less any SConscript file. You can optionally set a variable on the construction environment to have the unit test executables copied to your output directory. The variable should be env['EXE_OUTPUT']. Another optional variable is env['LIB_OUTPUT']. If set, the generated libraries are copied to the folder indicated by the variable. If you place the gtest sources within your own project's source directory, you should be able to call this SConscript file simply as follows: # -- cut here -- # Build gtest library; first tell it where to copy executables. env['EXE_OUTPUT'] = '#/mybuilddir/mybuildmode' # example, optional env['LIB_OUTPUT'] = '#/mybuilddir/mybuildmode/lib' env.SConscript('whateverpath/gtest/scons/SConscript') # -- cut here -- If on the other hand you place the gtest sources in a directory outside of your project's source tree, you would use a snippet similar to the following: # -- cut here -- # The following assumes that $BUILD_DIR refers to the root of the # directory for your current build mode, e.g. "#/mybuilddir/mybuildmode" # Build gtest library; as it is outside of our source root, we need to # tell SCons that the directory it will refer to as # e.g. $BUILD_DIR/gtest is actually on disk in original form as # ../../gtest (relative to your project root directory). Recall that # SCons by default copies all source files into the build directory # before building. gtest_dir = env.Dir('$BUILD_DIR/gtest') # Modify this part to point to gtest relative to the current # SConscript or SConstruct file's directory. The ../.. path would # be different per project, to locate the base directory for gtest. gtest_dir.addRepository(env.Dir('../../gtest')) # Tell the gtest SCons file where to copy executables. env['EXE_OUTPUT'] = '$BUILD_DIR' # example, optional # Call the gtest SConscript to build gtest.lib and unit tests. The # location of the library should end up as # '$BUILD_DIR/gtest/scons/gtest.lib' env.SConscript(env.File('scons/SConscript', gtest_dir)) # -- cut here -- """ __author__ = 'joi@google.com (Joi Sigurdsson)' Import('env') env = env.Clone() # Include paths to gtest headers are relative to either the gtest # directory or the 'include' subdirectory of it, and this SConscript # file is one directory deeper than the gtest directory. env.Prepend(CPPPATH = ['..', '../include']) # Sources used by base library and library that includes main. gtest_source = '../src/gtest-all.cc' gtest_main_source = '../src/gtest_main.cc' # gtest.lib to be used by most apps (if you have your own main # function) gtest = env.StaticLibrary(target='gtest', source=[gtest_source]) # gtest_main.lib can be used if you just want a basic main function; # it is also used by the tests for Google Test itself. gtest_main = env.StaticLibrary(target='gtest_main', source=[gtest_source, gtest_main_source]) env_with_exceptions = env.Clone() platform = env_with_exceptions['PLATFORM'] if platform == 'win32': env_with_exceptions.Append(CCFLAGS = ['/EHsc']) env_with_exceptions.Append(CPPDEFINES = '_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=1') # Undoes the _TYPEINFO_ hack, which is unnecessary and only creates # trouble when exceptions are enabled. cppdefines = env_with_exceptions['CPPDEFINES'] if '_TYPEINFO_' in cppdefines: cppdefines.remove('_TYPEINFO_') gtest_ex_obj = env_with_exceptions.Object(target='gtest_ex', source=gtest_source) gtest_main_ex_obj = env_with_exceptions.Object(target='gtest_main_ex', source=gtest_main_source) gtest_ex_main = env_with_exceptions.StaticLibrary( target='gtest_ex_main', source=gtest_ex_obj + gtest_main_ex_obj) # Install the libraries if needed. if 'LIB_OUTPUT' in env.Dictionary(): env.Install('$LIB_OUTPUT', source=[gtest, gtest_main, gtest_ex_main]) def ConstructSourceList(target, dir_prefix, additional_sources=None): """Helper to create source file list for gtest binaries. Args: target: The basename of the target's main source file. dir_prefix: The path to prefix the main source file. gtest_lib: The gtest lib to use. additional_sources: A list of additional source files in the target. """ source = [env.File('%s.cc' % target, env.Dir(dir_prefix))] if additional_sources: source += additional_sources return source def GtestBinary(env, target, gtest_lib, sources): """Helper to create gtest binaries: tests, samples, etc. Args: env: The SCons construction environment to use to build. target: The basename of the target's main source file, also used as target name. gtest_lib: The gtest lib to use. sources: A list of source files in the target. """ unit_test = env.Program(target=target, source=sources, LIBS=[gtest_lib]) if 'EXE_OUTPUT' in env.Dictionary(): env.Install('$EXE_OUTPUT', source=[unit_test]) def GtestUnitTest(env, target, gtest_lib, additional_sources=None): """Helper to create gtest unit tests. Args: env: The SCons construction environment to use to build. target: The basename of the target unit test .cc file. gtest_lib: The gtest lib to use. additional_sources: A list of additional source files in the target. """ GtestBinary(env, target, gtest_lib, ConstructSourceList(target, "../test", additional_sources=additional_sources)) GtestUnitTest(env, 'gtest-filepath_test', gtest_main) GtestUnitTest(env, 'gtest-message_test', gtest_main) GtestUnitTest(env, 'gtest-options_test', gtest_main) GtestUnitTest(env, 'gtest_environment_test', gtest) GtestUnitTest(env, 'gtest_main_unittest', gtest_main) GtestUnitTest(env, 'gtest_no_test_unittest', gtest) GtestUnitTest(env, 'gtest_pred_impl_unittest', gtest_main) GtestUnitTest(env, 'gtest_prod_test', gtest_main, additional_sources=['../test/production.cc']) GtestUnitTest(env, 'gtest_repeat_test', gtest) GtestUnitTest(env, 'gtest_sole_header_test', gtest_main) GtestUnitTest(env, 'gtest-test-part_test', gtest_main) GtestUnitTest(env, 'gtest-typed-test_test', gtest_main, additional_sources=['../test/gtest-typed-test2_test.cc']) GtestUnitTest(env, 'gtest-param-test_test', gtest, additional_sources=['../test/gtest-param-test2_test.cc']) GtestUnitTest(env, 'gtest_unittest', gtest_main) GtestUnitTest(env, 'gtest_output_test_', gtest) GtestUnitTest(env, 'gtest_color_test_', gtest) GtestUnitTest(env, 'gtest-linked_ptr_test', gtest_main) GtestUnitTest(env, 'gtest-port_test', gtest_main) GtestUnitTest(env, 'gtest-death-test_test', gtest_main) gtest_unittest_ex_obj = env_with_exceptions.Object( target='gtest_unittest_ex', source='../test/gtest_unittest.cc') GtestBinary(env_with_exceptions, 'gtest_ex_unittest', gtest_ex_main, gtest_unittest_ex_obj) # TODO(wan@google.com) Add these unit tests: # - gtest_break_on_failure_unittest_ # - gtest_filter_unittest_ # - gtest_help_test_ # - gtest_list_tests_unittest_ # - gtest_throw_on_failure_ex_test # - gtest_throw_on_failure_test_ # - gtest_xml_outfile1_test_ # - gtest_xml_outfile2_test_ # - gtest_xml_output_unittest_ # We need to disable some optimization flags for a couple of tests, # otherwise the redirection of stdout does not work (apparently # because of a compiler bug). special_env = env.Clone() linker_flags = special_env['LINKFLAGS'] for flag in ["/O1", "/Os", "/Og", "/Oy"]: if flag in linker_flags: linker_flags.remove(flag) GtestUnitTest(special_env, 'gtest_env_var_test_', gtest) GtestUnitTest(special_env, 'gtest_uninitialized_test_', gtest) def GtestSample(env, target, gtest_lib, additional_sources=None): """Helper to create gtest samples. Args: env: The SCons construction environment to use to build. target: The basename of the target unit test .cc file. gtest_lib: The gtest lib to use. additional_sources: A list of additional source files in the target. """ GtestBinary(env, target, gtest_lib, ConstructSourceList(target, "../samples", additional_sources=additional_sources)) # Use the GTEST_BUILD_SAMPLES build variable to control building of samples. # In your SConstruct file, add # vars = Variables() # vars.Add(BoolVariable('GTEST_BUILD_SAMPLES', 'Build samples', True)) # my_environment = Environment(variables = vars, ...) # Then, in the command line use GTEST_BUILD_SAMPLES=true to enable them. # if env.get('GTEST_BUILD_SAMPLES', False): sample1_obj = env.Object('../samples/sample1.cc') GtestSample(env, 'sample1_unittest', gtest_main, additional_sources=[sample1_obj]) GtestSample(env, 'sample2_unittest', gtest_main, additional_sources=['../samples/sample2.cc']) GtestSample(env, 'sample3_unittest', gtest_main) GtestSample(env, 'sample5_unittest', gtest_main, additional_sources=[sample1_obj]) GtestSample(env, 'sample6_unittest', gtest_main) GtestSample(env, 'sample7_unittest', gtest_main) GtestSample(env, 'sample8_unittest', gtest_main)