# Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # Author: misterg@google.com (Gennadiy Civil) # # Description: # Bazel BUILD file for googletest, initial revision # package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) licenses(["notice"]) cc_library( name = "gmock", srcs = glob( include = [ "googlemock/src/*.cc", "googlemock/include/gmock/**/*.h", ], exclude = [ "googlemock/src/gmock-all.cc", ], ), hdrs = glob([ "googlemock/include/gmock/*.h", ]), includes = [ "googlemock", "googlemock/include", ], linkopts = select({ ":win": [], "//conditions:default": ["-pthread"], }), deps = [ ":gtest", ], ) # gtest public API. GTEST_HDRS = \ glob([ "googletest/include/gtest/*.h", ]) config_setting( name = "win", values = {"cpu": "x64_windows_msvc"}, ) # Google Test cc_library( name = "gtest", srcs = glob( include = [ "googletest/src/*.cc", "googletest/src/*.h", "googletest/include/gtest/**/*.h", ], exclude = [ "googletest/src/gtest-all.cc", "googletest/src/gtest_main.cc", ], ), hdrs = GTEST_HDRS, copts = select( { ":win": [], "//conditions:default": ["-pthread"], }, ), includes = [ "googletest", "googletest/include", ], linkopts = select({ ":win": [], "//conditions:default": [ "-pthread", ], }), ) ## Google Test with exceptions enabled. cc_library( name = "gtest_ex", srcs = glob( include = [ "googletest/src/*.cc", "googletest/src/*.h", "googletest/include/gtest/**/*.h", ], exclude = [ "googletest/src/gtest-all.cc", "googletest/src/gtest_main.cc", ], ), hdrs = GTEST_HDRS, copts = ["-fexceptions"] + select( { ":win": [], "//conditions:default": ["-pthread"], }, ), includes = [ "googletest", "googletest/include", ], linkopts = select({ ":win": [], "//conditions:default": [ "-pthread", ], }), ) cc_library( name = "gtest_main", srcs = glob( include = [ "googletest/src/gtest_main.cc", ], ), hdrs = glob([ "googletest/include/gtest/*.h", "googletest/include/gtest/**/*.h", ]), includes = [ "googletest", "googletest/include", ], deps = ["//:gtest"], ) # The following rules build samples of how to use gTest. cc_library( name = "gtest_sample_lib", srcs = [ "googletest/samples/sample1.cc", "googletest/samples/sample2.cc", "googletest/samples/sample4.cc", ], hdrs = [ "googletest/samples/prime_tables.h", "googletest/samples/sample1.h", "googletest/samples/sample2.h", "googletest/samples/sample3-inl.h", "googletest/samples/sample4.h", ], ) cc_test( name = "gtest_samples", size = "small", #All Samples except: #sample9 ( main ) #sample10 (main and takes a command line option and needs to be separate) srcs = [ "googletest/samples/sample1_unittest.cc", "googletest/samples/sample2_unittest.cc", "googletest/samples/sample3_unittest.cc", "googletest/samples/sample4_unittest.cc", "googletest/samples/sample5_unittest.cc", "googletest/samples/sample6_unittest.cc", "googletest/samples/sample7_unittest.cc", "googletest/samples/sample8_unittest.cc", ], deps = [ "gtest_sample_lib", ":gtest_main", ], ) cc_test( name = "sample9_unittest", size = "small", srcs = ["googletest/samples/sample9_unittest.cc"], deps = [":gtest"], ) cc_test( name = "sample10_unittest", size = "small", srcs = ["googletest/samples/sample10_unittest.cc"], deps = [ ":gtest", ], )