############################################################################## # # @file Makefile. # # @brief AVR Make file, it can be use to build, and program an application to # an AVR MCU like atmega328p, atmega2560 and so on. # # @author Theodore Ateba, tf.ateba@gmail.com # ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # Building and programming global options. # NOTE: Can be overridden externally. # # Compiler options here. ifeq ($(USE_OPT),) USE_OPT = -O2 endif # C specific options here (added to USE_OPT). ifeq ($(USE_COPT),) USE_COPT = endif # C++ specific options here (added to USE_OPT). ifeq ($(USE_CPPOPT),) USE_CPPOPT = endif # Enable this if you want to see the full log while compiling. ifeq ($(USE_VERBOSE_COMPILE),) USE_VERBOSE_COMPILE = no endif # If enabled, this option makes the build process faster by not compiling # modules not used in the current configuration. ifeq ($(USE_SMART_BUILD),) USE_SMART_BUILD = yes endif # If enable, this option arase the counter cycle after device programming. ifeq ($(USE_AVRDUDE_ERASE_COUNTER),) USE_AVRDUDE_ERASE_COUNTER = no endif # If enable, this option perform a verification after device programming. ifeq ($(USE_AVRDUDE_NO_VERIFY),) USE_AVRDUDE_NO_VERIFY = no endif # If enabled, this option increase the programming verbosity level. ifeq ($(USE_VERBOSE_PROGRAMMATION),) USE_VERBOSE_PROGRAMMATION = no endif # # Building and programming global options. ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # Project, sources and paths. # # Define project name here. PROJECT = ch # Imported source files and paths CHIBIOS = ../../../.. CONFDIR := ./cfg/arduino_mini BUILDDIR := ./build/arduino_mini DEPDIR := ./.dep/arduino_mini # Licensing files. include $(CHIBIOS)/os/license/license.mk # HAL-OSAL files (optional). include $(CHIBIOS)/os/hal/hal.mk include $(CHIBIOS)/os/hal/boards/ARDUINO_MINI/board.mk include $(CHIBIOS)/os/hal/ports/AVR/MEGA/ATMEGAxx/platform.mk include $(CHIBIOS)/os/hal/osal/rt/osal.mk # RTOS files (optional). include $(CHIBIOS)/os/rt/rt.mk include $(CHIBIOS)/os/common/ports/AVR/compilers/GCC/mk/port.mk # List C source files here. (C dependencies are automatically generated.) CSRC = $(ALLCSRC) \ $(CONFDIR)/portab.c \ main.c # List C++ sources file here. CPPSRC = $(ALLCPPSRC) # Header files here. INCDIR = $(ALLINC) $(CONFDIR) # # Project, sources and paths. ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # Compiler settings. # # Micro-Controller Unit. MCU = atmega328p # MCU frequency (Hz). F_CPU = 16000000 # Output format. (can be srec, ihex, binary) FORMAT = ihex # C and C++ Compiler name. TRGT = avr- CC = $(TRGT)gcc CPPC = $(TRGT)g++ # Enable loading with g++ only if you need C++ runtime support. # NOTE: You can use C++ even without C++ support if you are careful. C++ # runtime support makes code size explode. LD = $(TRGT)gcc CP = $(TRGT)objcopy AR = $(TRGT)ar rcs OD = $(TRGT)objdump NM = $(TRGT)nm SZ = $(TRGT)size HEX = $(CP) -O ihex BIN = $(CP) -O binary # AVR programming tool. AVRDUDE = avrdude # Size of the elf binary file. ELFSIZE = $(SZ) --mcu=$(MCU) --format=avr $(BUILDDIR)/$(PROJECT).elf # MCU specific options here. MOPT = # Define C warning options here. CWARN = -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes # Define C++ warning options here. CPPWARN = # # Compiler settings. ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # Start of user section. # # List all user C define here, like -D_DEBUG=1. UDEFS = # Define ASM defines here. UADEFS = # List all user directories here. UINCDIR = # List the user directory to look for the libraries here. ULIBDIR = # List all user libraries here. ULIBS = # # End of user defines. ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # Start of programming Options (avrdude). # # TODO: Add the programmer for ATtiny, and for ATXmega. # AVR programmer. AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER = arduino # AVR serial port. AVRDUDE_PORT = /dev/ttyUSB0 AVRDUDE_WRITE_FLASH = -D -U flash:w:$(BUILDDIR)/$(PROJECT).hex #AVRDUDE_WRITE_EEPROM = -U eeprom:w:$(BUILDDIR)/$(PROJECT).eep # Check if the counter cycle erase must be performed after device programming. ifeq ($(USE_AVRDUDE_ERASE_COUNTER),yes) AVRDUDE_ERASE_COUNTER = -y endif # Check if a verification must be performed after device programming. ifeq ($(USE_AVRDUDE_NO_VERIFY),no) AVRDUDE_NO_VERIFY = -V endif # Check verbosity level activation. ifeq ($(USE_VERBOSE_PROGRAMMATION),yes) AVRDUDE_VERBOSE = -v -v endif # AVR programmer flags. AVRDUDE_FLAGS = -p $(MCU) AVRDUDE_FLAGS += -P $(AVRDUDE_PORT) AVRDUDE_FLAGS += -b 57600 AVRDUDE_FLAGS += -c $(AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER) AVRDUDE_FLAGS += $(AVRDUDE_NO_VERIFY) AVRDUDE_FLAGS += $(AVRDUDE_VERBOSE) AVRDUDE_FLAGS += $(AVRDUDE_ERASE_COUNTER) # # End of Programming Options (avrdude). ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # Include file. # RULESPATH = $(CHIBIOS)/os/common/ports/AVR/compilers/GCC include $(RULESPATH)/rules.mk # # End of include file. ############################################################################## # EOF