/* ChibiOS/RT - Copyright (C) 2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 Giovanni Di Sirio. This file is part of ChibiOS/RT. ChibiOS/RT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ChibiOS/RT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * @file test.c * @brief Tests support code. * * @addtogroup test * @{ */ #include "ch.h" #include "hal.h" #include "test.h" #include "testthd.h" #include "testsem.h" #include "testmtx.h" #include "testmsg.h" #include "testmbox.h" #include "testevt.h" #include "testheap.h" #include "testpools.h" #include "testdyn.h" #include "testqueues.h" #include "testbmk.h" /* * Array of all the test patterns. */ static ROMCONST struct testcase **patterns[] = { patternthd, patternsem, patternmtx, patternmsg, patternmbox, patternevt, patternheap, patternpools, patterndyn, patternqueues, patternbmk, NULL }; static bool_t local_fail, global_fail; static unsigned failpoint; static char tokens_buffer[MAX_TOKENS]; static char *tokp; /* * Static working areas, the following areas can be used for threads or * used as temporary buffers. */ union test_buffers test; /* * Pointers to the spawned threads. */ Thread *threads[MAX_THREADS]; /* * Pointers to the working areas. */ void * ROMCONST wa[5] = {test.wa.T0, test.wa.T1, test.wa.T2, test.wa.T3, test.wa.T4}; /* * Console output. */ static BaseChannel *chp; /** * @brief Prints a decimal unsigned number. * * @param[in] n the number to be printed */ void test_printn(uint32_t n) { char buf[16], *p; if (!n) chIOPut(chp, '0'); else { p = buf; while (n) *p++ = (n % 10) + '0', n /= 10; while (p > buf) chIOPut(chp, *--p); } } /** * @brief Prints a line without final end-of-line. * * @param[in] msgp the message */ void test_print(const char *msgp) { while (*msgp) chIOPut(chp, *msgp++); } /** * @brief Prints a line. * * @param[in] msgp the message */ void test_println(const char *msgp) { test_print(msgp); chIOPut(chp, '\r'); chIOPut(chp, '\n'); } /* * Tokens. */ static void clear_tokens(void) { tokp = tokens_buffer; } static void print_tokens(void) { char *cp = tokens_buffer; while (cp < tokp) chIOPut(chp, *cp++); } /** * @brief Emits a token into the tokens buffer. * * @param[in] token the token as a char */ void test_emit_token(char token) { chSysLock(); *tokp++ = token; chSysUnlock(); } /* * Assertions. */ bool_t _test_fail(unsigned point) { local_fail = TRUE; global_fail = TRUE; failpoint = point; return TRUE; } bool_t _test_assert(unsigned point, bool_t condition) { if (!condition) return _test_fail(point); return FALSE; } bool_t _test_assert_sequence(unsigned point, char *expected) { char *cp = tokens_buffer; while (cp < tokp) { if (*cp++ != *expected++) return _test_fail(point); } if (*expected) return _test_fail(point); clear_tokens(); return FALSE; } bool_t _test_assert_time_window(unsigned point, systime_t start, systime_t end) { return _test_assert(point, chTimeIsWithin(start, end)); } /* * Threads utils. */ /** * @brief Pends a termination request in all the test-spawned threads. */ void test_terminate_threads(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS; i++) if (threads[i]) chThdTerminate(threads[i]); } /** * @brief Waits for the completion of all the test-spawned threads. */ void test_wait_threads(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS; i++) if (threads[i] != NULL) { chThdWait(threads[i]); threads[i] = NULL; } } #if CH_DBG_THREADS_PROFILING /** * @brief CPU pulse. * @note The current implementation is not totally reliable. * * @param[in] duration CPU pulse duration in milliseconds */ void test_cpu_pulse(unsigned duration) { systime_t start, end, now; start = chThdSelf()->p_time; end = start + MS2ST(duration); do { now = chThdSelf()->p_time; #if defined(SIMULATOR) ChkIntSources(); #endif } while (end > start ? (now >= start) && (now < end) : (now >= start) || (now < end)); } #endif /** * @brief Delays execution until next system time tick. */ systime_t test_wait_tick(void) { chThdSleep(1); return chTimeNow(); } /* * Timer utils. */ /** @brief Set to @p TRUE when the test timer reaches its deadline.*/ bool_t test_timer_done; static VirtualTimer vt; static void tmr(void *p) { (void)p; test_timer_done = TRUE; } /** * @brief Starts the test timer. * * @param[in] ms time in milliseconds */ void test_start_timer(unsigned ms) { systime_t duration = MS2ST(ms); test_timer_done = FALSE; chSysLock(); chVTSetI(&vt, duration, tmr, NULL); chSysUnlock(); } /* * Test suite execution. */ static void execute_test(const struct testcase *tcp) { int i; /* Initialization */ clear_tokens(); local_fail = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS; i++) threads[i] = NULL; if (tcp->setup != NULL) tcp->setup(); tcp->execute(); if (tcp->teardown != NULL) tcp->teardown(); test_wait_threads(); } static void print_line(void) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < 76; i++) chIOPut(chp, '-'); chIOPut(chp, '\r'); chIOPut(chp, '\n'); } /** * @brief Test execution thread function. * * @param[in] p pointer to a @p BaseChannel object for test output */ msg_t TestThread(void *p) { int i, j; chp = p; test_println(""); test_println("*** ChibiOS/RT test suite"); test_println("***"); test_print("*** Kernel: "); test_println(CH_KERNEL_VERSION); #ifdef __GNUC__ test_print("*** GCC Version: "); test_println(__VERSION__); #endif test_print("*** Architecture: "); test_println(CH_ARCHITECTURE_NAME); #ifdef CH_CORE_VARIANT_NAME test_print("*** Core Variant: "); test_println(CH_CORE_VARIANT_NAME); #endif #ifdef PLATFORM_NAME test_print("*** Platform: "); test_println(PLATFORM_NAME); #endif #ifdef BOARD_NAME test_print("*** Test Board: "); test_println(BOARD_NAME); #endif test_println(""); global_fail = FALSE; i = 0; while (patterns[i]) { j = 0; while (patterns[i][j]) { print_line(); test_print("--- Test Case "); test_printn(i + 1); test_print("."); test_printn(j + 1); test_print(" ("); test_print(patterns[i][j]->name); test_println(")"); #if DELAY_BETWEEN_TESTS > 0 chThdSleepMilliseconds(DELAY_BETWEEN_TESTS); #endif execute_test(patterns[i][j]); if (local_fail) { test_print("--- Result: FAILURE (#"); test_printn(failpoint); test_print(" ["); print_tokens(); test_println("])"); } else test_println("--- Result: SUCCESS"); j++; } i++; } print_line(); test_println(""); test_print("Final result: "); if (global_fail) test_println("FAILURE"); else test_println("SUCCESS"); return (msg_t)global_fail; } /** @} */