/* ChibiOS/RT - Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Giovanni Di Sirio. This file is part of ChibiOS/RT. ChibiOS/RT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ChibiOS/RT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "board.h" #include "nvic.h" #include "stm32_serial.h" #include "stm32lib/stm32f10x_nvic.h" #ifdef USE_USART1 FullDuplexDriver COM1; static uint8_t ib1[SERIAL_BUFFERS_SIZE]; static uint8_t ob1[SERIAL_BUFFERS_SIZE]; #endif #ifdef USE_USART2 FullDuplexDriver COM2; static uint8_t ib2[SERIAL_BUFFERS_SIZE]; static uint8_t ob2[SERIAL_BUFFERS_SIZE]; #endif #ifdef USE_USART3 FullDuplexDriver COM3; static uint8_t ib3[SERIAL_BUFFERS_SIZE]; static uint8_t ob3[SERIAL_BUFFERS_SIZE]; #endif static void SetError(uint16_t sr, FullDuplexDriver *com) { dflags_t sts = 0; if (sr & SR_ORE) sts |= SD_OVERRUN_ERROR; if (sr & SR_PE) sts |= SD_PARITY_ERROR; if (sr & SR_FE) sts |= SD_FRAMING_ERROR; if (sr & SR_LBD) sts |= SD_BREAK_DETECTED; chSysLock(); chFDDAddFlagsI(com, sts); chSysUnlock(); } static void ServeInterrupt(USART_TypeDef *u, FullDuplexDriver *com) { uint16_t sr = u->SR; if (sr & (SR_ORE | SR_FE | SR_PE | SR_LBD)) SetError(sr, com); if (sr & SR_RXNE) { chSysLock(); chFDDIncomingDataI(com, u->DR); chSysUnlock(); } if (sr & SR_TXE) { chSysLock(); msg_t b = chFDDRequestDataI(com); chSysUnlock(); if (b < Q_OK) u->CR1 &= ~CR1_TXEIE; else u->DR = b; } } #ifdef USE_USART1 /* * USART1 IRQ service routine. */ void VectorD4(void) { chSysIRQEnterI(); ServeInterrupt(USART1, &COM1); chSysIRQExitI(); } /* * Invoked by the high driver when one or more bytes are inserted in the * output queue. */ static void OutNotify1(void) { USART1->CR1 |= CR1_TXEIE; } #endif #ifdef USE_USART2 /* * USART2 IRQ service routine. */ void VectorD8(void) { chSysIRQEnterI(); ServeInterrupt(USART2, &COM2); chSysIRQExitI(); } /* * Invoked by the high driver when one or more bytes are inserted in the * output queue. */ static void OutNotify2(void) { USART2->CR1 |= CR1_TXEIE; } #endif #ifdef USE_USART3 /* * USART3 IRQ service routine. */ void VectorDC(void) { chSysIRQEnterI(); ServeInterrupt(USART3, &COM3); chSysIRQExitI(); } /* * Invoked by the high driver when one or more bytes are inserted in the * output queue. */ static void OutNotify3(void) { USART3->CR1 |= CR1_TXEIE; } #endif /* * USART setup, must be invoked with interrupts disabled. * NOTE: Does not reset I/O queues. */ void SetUSARTI(USART_TypeDef *u, uint32_t speed, uint16_t cr1, uint16_t cr2, uint16_t cr3) { /* * Baud rate setting. */ if (u == USART1) u->BRR = APB2CLK / speed; else u->BRR = APB1CLK / speed; /* * Note that some bits are enforced. */ u->CR1 = cr1 | CR1_UE | CR1_PEIE | CR1_RXNEIE | CR1_TE | CR1_RE; u->CR2 = cr2; u->CR3 = cr3 | CR3_EIE; } /* * Serial subsystem initialization. * NOTE: Handshake pins are not switched to their function because they may have * another use. Enable them externally if needed. */ void InitSerial(uint32_t prio1, uint32_t prio2, uint32_t prio3) { #ifdef USE_USART1 chFDDInit(&COM1, ib1, sizeof ib1, NULL, ob1, sizeof ob1, OutNotify1); RCC->APB2ENR |= 0x00002000; SetUSARTI(USART1, 38400, 0, CR2_STOP1_BITS | CR2_LINEN, 0); GPIOA->CRH = (GPIOA->CRH & 0xFFFFF00F) | 0x000004B0; NVICEnableVector(USART1_IRQChannel, prio1); #endif #ifdef USE_USART2 chFDDInit(&COM2, ib2, sizeof ib2, NULL, ob2, sizeof ob2, OutNotify2); RCC->APB1ENR |= 0x00020000; SetUSARTI(USART2, 38400, 0, CR2_STOP1_BITS | CR2_LINEN, 0); GPIOA->CRL = (GPIOA->CRL & 0xFFFF00FF) | 0x00004B00; NVICEnableVector(USART2_IRQChannel, prio2); #endif #ifdef USE_USART3 chFDDInit(&COM3, ib3, sizeof ib3, NULL, ob3, sizeof ob3, OutNotify3); RCC->APB1ENR |= 0x00040000; SetUSARTI(USART3, 38400, 0, CR2_STOP1_BITS | CR2_LINEN, 0); GPIOB->CRH = (GPIOB->CRH & 0xFFFF00FF) | 0x00004B00; NVICEnableVector(USART3_IRQChannel, prio3); #endif }