    ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2006..2015 Giovanni Di Sirio.

    This file is part of ChibiOS.

    ChibiOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    ChibiOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 * @file    usb.c
 * @brief   USB Driver code.
 * @addtogroup USB
 * @{

#include <string.h>

#include "hal.h"

#if (HAL_USE_USB == TRUE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)

/* Driver local definitions.                                                 */

/* Driver exported variables.                                                */

/* Driver local variables and types.                                         */

static const uint8_t zero_status[] = {0x00, 0x00};
static const uint8_t active_status[] ={0x00, 0x00};
static const uint8_t halted_status[] = {0x01, 0x00};

/* Driver local functions.                                                   */

static uint16_t get_hword(uint8_t *p) {
  uint16_t hw;

  hw  = (uint16_t)*p++;
  hw |= (uint16_t)*p << 8U;
  return hw;

 * @brief  SET ADDRESS transaction callback.
 * @param[in] usbp      pointer to the @p USBDriver object
static void set_address(USBDriver *usbp) {

  usbp->address = usbp->setup[2];
  _usb_isr_invoke_event_cb(usbp, USB_EVENT_ADDRESS);
  usbp->state = USB_SELECTED;

 * @brief   Standard requests handler.
 * @details This is the standard requests default handler, most standard
 *          requests are handled here, the user can override the standard
 *          handling using the @p requests_hook_cb hook in the
 *          @p USBConfig structure.
 * @param[in] usbp      pointer to the @p USBDriver object
 * @return              The request handling exit code.
 * @retval false        Request not recognized by the handler or error.
 * @retval true         Request handled.
static bool default_handler(USBDriver *usbp) {
  const USBDescriptor *dp;

  /* Decoding the request.*/
  switch ((((uint32_t)usbp->setup[0] & (USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_MASK |
                                        USB_RTYPE_TYPE_MASK)) |
           ((uint32_t)usbp->setup[1] << 8U))) {
  case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_DEVICE | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_GET_STATUS << 8):
    /* Just returns the current status word.*/
    usbSetupTransfer(usbp, (uint8_t *)&usbp->status, 2, NULL);
    return true;
  case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_DEVICE | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_CLEAR_FEATURE << 8):
    /* Only the DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP is handled here, any other feature
       number is handled as an error.*/
    if (usbp->setup[2] == USB_FEATURE_DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP) {
      usbp->status &= ~2U;
      usbSetupTransfer(usbp, NULL, 0, NULL);
      return true;
    return false;
  case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_DEVICE | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_SET_FEATURE << 8):
    /* Only the DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP is handled here, any other feature
       number is handled as an error.*/
    if (usbp->setup[2] == USB_FEATURE_DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP) {
      usbp->status |= 2U;
      usbSetupTransfer(usbp, NULL, 0, NULL);
      return true;
    return false;
  case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_DEVICE | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_SET_ADDRESS << 8):
    /* The SET_ADDRESS handling can be performed here or postponed after
       the status packed depending on the USB_SET_ADDRESS_MODE low
       driver setting.*/
    if ((usbp->setup[0] == USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_DEVICE) &&
        (usbp->setup[1] == USB_REQ_SET_ADDRESS)) {
    usbSetupTransfer(usbp, NULL, 0, NULL);
    usbSetupTransfer(usbp, NULL, 0, set_address);
    return true;
  case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_DEVICE | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR << 8):
    /* Handling descriptor requests from the host.*/
    dp = usbp->config->get_descriptor_cb(usbp, usbp->setup[3],
    if (dp == NULL) {
      return false;
    /*lint -save -e9005 [11.8] Removing const is fine.*/
    usbSetupTransfer(usbp, (uint8_t *)dp->ud_string, dp->ud_size, NULL);
    /*lint -restore*/
    return true;
    /* Returning the last selected configuration.*/
    usbSetupTransfer(usbp, &usbp->configuration, 1, NULL);
    return true;
    /* Handling configuration selection from the host.*/
    usbp->configuration = usbp->setup[2];
    if (usbp->configuration == 0U) {
      usbp->state = USB_SELECTED;
    else {
      usbp->state = USB_ACTIVE;
    _usb_isr_invoke_event_cb(usbp, USB_EVENT_CONFIGURED);
    usbSetupTransfer(usbp, NULL, 0, NULL);
    return true;
  case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_GET_STATUS << 8):
  case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_ENDPOINT | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_SYNCH_FRAME << 8):
    /* Just sending two zero bytes, the application can change the behavior
       using a hook..*/
    /*lint -save -e9005 [11.8] Removing const is fine.*/
    usbSetupTransfer(usbp, (uint8_t *)zero_status, 2, NULL);
    /*lint -restore*/
    return true;
  case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_ENDPOINT | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_GET_STATUS << 8):
    /* Sending the EP status.*/
    if ((usbp->setup[4] & 0x80U) != 0U) {
      switch (usb_lld_get_status_in(usbp, usbp->setup[4] & 0x0FU)) {
        /*lint -save -e9005 [11.8] Removing const is fine.*/
        usbSetupTransfer(usbp, (uint8_t *)halted_status, 2, NULL);
        /*lint -restore*/
        return true;
      case EP_STATUS_ACTIVE:
        /*lint -save -e9005 [11.8] Removing const is fine.*/
        usbSetupTransfer(usbp, (uint8_t *)active_status, 2, NULL);
        /*lint -restore*/
        return true;
        return false;
    else {
      switch (usb_lld_get_status_out(usbp, usbp->setup[4] & 0x0FU)) {
        /*lint -save -e9005 [11.8] Removing const is fine.*/
        usbSetupTransfer(usbp, (uint8_t *)halted_status, 2, NULL);
        /*lint -restore*/
        return true;
      case EP_STATUS_ACTIVE:
        /*lint -save -e9005 [11.8] Removing const is fine.*/
        usbSetupTransfer(usbp, (uint8_t *)active_status, 2, NULL);
        /*lint -restore*/
        return true;
        return false;
  case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_ENDPOINT | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_CLEAR_FEATURE << 8):
    /* Only ENDPOINT_HALT is handled as feature.*/
    if (usbp->setup[2] != USB_FEATURE_ENDPOINT_HALT) {
      return false;
    /* Clearing the EP status, not valid for EP0, it is ignored in that case.*/
    if ((usbp->setup[4] & 0x0FU) != 0U) {
      if ((usbp->setup[4] & 0x80U) != 0U) {
        usb_lld_clear_in(usbp, usbp->setup[4] & 0x0FU);
      else {
        usb_lld_clear_out(usbp, usbp->setup[4] & 0x0FU);
    usbSetupTransfer(usbp, NULL, 0, NULL);
    return true;
  case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_ENDPOINT | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_SET_FEATURE << 8):
    /* Only ENDPOINT_HALT is handled as feature.*/
    if (usbp->setup[2] != USB_FEATURE_ENDPOINT_HALT) {
      return false;
    /* Stalling the EP, not valid for EP0, it is ignored in that case.*/
    if ((usbp->setup[4] & 0x0FU) != 0U) {
      if ((usbp->setup[4] & 0x80U) != 0U) {
        usb_lld_stall_in(usbp, usbp->setup[4] & 0x0FU);
      else {
        usb_lld_stall_out(usbp, usbp->setup[4] & 0x0FU);
    usbSetupTransfer(usbp, NULL, 0, NULL);
    return true;
  case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_DEVICE | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_SET_DESCRIPTOR << 8):
  case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_CLEAR_FEATURE << 8):
  case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_SET_FEATURE << 8):
  case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_GET_INTERFACE << 8):
  case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_SET_INTERFACE << 8):
    /* All the above requests are not handled here, if you need them then
       use the hook mechanism and provide handling.*/
    return false;

/* Driver exported functions.                                                */

 * @brief   USB Driver initialization.
 * @note    This function is implicitly invoked by @p halInit(), there is
 *          no need to explicitly initialize the driver.
 * @init
void usbInit(void) {


 * @brief   Initializes the standard part of a @p USBDriver structure.
 * @param[out] usbp     pointer to the @p USBDriver object
 * @init
void usbObjectInit(USBDriver *usbp) {
  unsigned i;

  usbp->state        = USB_STOP;
  usbp->config       = NULL;
  for (i = 0; i < (unsigned)USB_MAX_ENDPOINTS; i++) {
    usbp->in_params[i]  = NULL;
    usbp->out_params[i] = NULL;
  usbp->transmitting = 0;
  usbp->receiving    = 0;

 * @brief   Configures and activates the USB peripheral.
 * @param[in] usbp      pointer to the @p USBDriver object
 * @param[in] config    pointer to the @p USBConfig object
 * @api
void usbStart(USBDriver *usbp, const USBConfig *config) {
  unsigned i;

  osalDbgCheck((usbp != NULL) && (config != NULL));

  osalDbgAssert((usbp->state == USB_STOP) || (usbp->state == USB_READY),
                "invalid state");
  usbp->config = config;
  for (i = 0; i <= (unsigned)USB_MAX_ENDPOINTS; i++) {
    usbp->epc[i] = NULL;
  usbp->state = USB_READY;

 * @brief   Deactivates the USB peripheral.
 * @param[in] usbp      pointer to the @p USBDriver object
 * @api
void usbStop(USBDriver *usbp) {

  osalDbgCheck(usbp != NULL);

  osalDbgAssert((usbp->state == USB_STOP) || (usbp->state == USB_READY) ||
                (usbp->state == USB_SELECTED) || (usbp->state == USB_ACTIVE),
                "invalid state");
  usbp->state = USB_STOP;

 * @brief   Enables an endpoint.
 * @details This function enables an endpoint, both IN and/or OUT directions
 *          depending on the configuration structure.
 * @note    This function must be invoked in response of a SET_CONFIGURATION
 *          or SET_INTERFACE message.
 * @param[in] usbp      pointer to the @p USBDriver object
 * @param[in] ep        endpoint number
 * @param[in] epcp      the endpoint configuration
 * @iclass
void usbInitEndpointI(USBDriver *usbp, usbep_t ep,
                      const USBEndpointConfig *epcp) {

  osalDbgCheck((usbp != NULL) && (epcp != NULL));
  osalDbgAssert(usbp->state == USB_ACTIVE,
                "invalid state");
  osalDbgAssert(usbp->epc[ep] == NULL, "already initialized");

  /* Logically enabling the endpoint in the USBDriver structure.*/
  if (epcp->in_state != NULL) {
    memset(epcp->in_state, 0, sizeof(USBInEndpointState));
  if (epcp->out_state != NULL) {
    memset(epcp->out_state, 0, sizeof(USBOutEndpointState));

  usbp->epc[ep] = epcp;

  /* Low level endpoint activation.*/
  usb_lld_init_endpoint(usbp, ep);

 * @brief   Disables all the active endpoints.
 * @details This function disables all the active endpoints except the
 *          endpoint zero.
 * @note    This function must be invoked in response of a SET_CONFIGURATION
 *          message with configuration number zero.
 * @param[in] usbp      pointer to the @p USBDriver object
 * @iclass
void usbDisableEndpointsI(USBDriver *usbp) {
  unsigned i;

  osalDbgCheck(usbp != NULL);
  osalDbgAssert(usbp->state == USB_SELECTED, "invalid state");

  usbp->transmitting &= ~1U;
  usbp->receiving    &= ~1U;
  for (i = 1; i <= (unsigned)USB_MAX_ENDPOINTS; i++) {
    usbp->epc[i] = NULL;

  /* Low level endpoints deactivation.*/

 * @brief   Prepares for a receive transaction on an OUT endpoint.
 * @post    The endpoint is ready for @p usbStartReceiveI().
 * @note    This function can be called both in ISR and thread context.
 * @param[in] usbp      pointer to the @p USBDriver object
 * @param[in] ep        endpoint number
 * @param[out] buf      buffer where to copy the received data
 * @param[in] n         transaction size
 * @special
void usbPrepareReceive(USBDriver *usbp, usbep_t ep, uint8_t *buf, size_t n) {
  USBOutEndpointState *osp = usbp->epc[ep]->out_state;

  osp->rxqueued           = false;
  osp->mode.linear.rxbuf  = buf;
  osp->rxsize             = n;
  osp->rxcnt              = 0;

  usb_lld_prepare_receive(usbp, ep);

 * @brief   Prepares for a transmit transaction on an IN endpoint.
 * @post    The endpoint is ready for @p usbStartTransmitI().
 * @note    This function can be called both in ISR and thread context.
 * @note    The queue must contain at least the amount of data specified
 *          as transaction size.
 * @param[in] usbp      pointer to the @p USBDriver object
 * @param[in] ep        endpoint number
 * @param[in] buf       buffer where to fetch the data to be transmitted
 * @param[in] n         transaction size
 * @special
void usbPrepareTransmit(USBDriver *usbp, usbep_t ep,
                        const uint8_t *buf, size_t n) {
  USBInEndpointState *isp = usbp->epc[ep]->in_state;

  isp->txqueued           = false;
  isp->mode.linear.txbuf  = buf;
  isp->txsize             = n;
  isp->txcnt              = 0;

  usb_lld_prepare_transmit(usbp, ep);

 * @brief   Prepares for a receive transaction on an OUT endpoint.
 * @post    The endpoint is ready for @p usbStartReceiveI().
 * @note    This function can be called both in ISR and thread context.
 * @note    The queue must have enough free space to accommodate the
 *          specified transaction size rounded to the next packet size
 *          boundary. For example if the transaction size is 1 and the
 *          packet size is 64 then the queue must have space for at least
 *          64 bytes.
 * @param[in] usbp      pointer to the @p USBDriver object
 * @param[in] ep        endpoint number
 * @param[in] iqp       input queue to be filled with incoming data
 * @param[in] n         transaction size
 * @special
void usbPrepareQueuedReceive(USBDriver *usbp, usbep_t ep,
                             input_queue_t *iqp, size_t n) {
  USBOutEndpointState *osp = usbp->epc[ep]->out_state;

  osp->rxqueued           = true;
  osp->mode.queue.rxqueue = iqp;
  osp->rxsize             = n;
  osp->rxcnt              = 0;

  usb_lld_prepare_receive(usbp, ep);

 * @brief   Prepares for a transmit transaction on an IN endpoint.
 * @post    The endpoint is ready for @p usbStartTransmitI().
 * @note    This function can be called both in ISR and thread context.
 * @note    The transmit transaction size is equal to the data contained
 *          in the queue.
 * @param[in] usbp      pointer to the @p USBDriver object
 * @param[in] ep        endpoint number
 * @param[in] oqp       output queue to be fetched for outgoing data
 * @param[in] n         transaction size
 * @special
void usbPrepareQueuedTransmit(USBDriver *usbp, usbep_t ep,
                              output_queue_t *oqp, size_t n) {
  USBInEndpointState *isp = usbp->epc[ep]->in_state;

  isp->txqueued           = true;
  isp->mode.queue.txqueue = oqp;
  isp->txsize             = n;
  isp->txcnt              = 0;

  usb_lld_prepare_transmit(usbp, ep);

 * @brief   Starts a receive transaction on an OUT endpoint.
 * @post    The endpoint callback is invoked when the transfer has been
 *          completed.
 * @param[in] usbp      pointer to the @p USBDriver object
 * @param[in] ep        endpoint number
 * @return              The operation status.
 * @retval false        Operation started successfully.
 * @retval true         Endpoint busy, operation not started.
 * @iclass
bool usbStartReceiveI(USBDriver *usbp, usbep_t ep) {

  osalDbgCheck(usbp != NULL);

  if (usbGetReceiveStatusI(usbp, ep)) {
    return true;

  usbp->receiving |= (uint16_t)((unsigned)1U << (unsigned)ep);
  usb_lld_start_out(usbp, ep);
  return false;

 * @brief   Starts a transmit transaction on an IN endpoint.
 * @post    The endpoint callback is invoked when the transfer has been
 *          completed.
 * @param[in] usbp      pointer to the @p USBDriver object
 * @param[in] ep        endpoint number
 * @return              The operation status.
 * @retval false        Operation started successfully.
 * @retval true         Endpoint busy, operation not started.
 * @iclass
bool usbStartTransmitI(USBDriver *usbp, usbep_t ep) {

  osalDbgCheck(usbp != NULL);

  if (usbGetTransmitStatusI(usbp, ep)) {
    return true;

  usbp->transmitting |= (uint16_t)((unsigned)1U << (unsigned)ep);
  usb_lld_start_in(usbp, ep);
  return false;

 * @brief   Stalls an OUT endpoint.
 * @param[in] usbp      pointer to the @p USBDriver object
 * @param[in] ep        endpoint number
 * @return              The operation status.
 * @retval false        Endpoint stalled.
 * @retval true         Endpoint busy, not stalled.
 * @iclass
bool usbStallReceiveI(USBDriver *usbp, usbep_t ep) {

  osalDbgCheck(usbp != NULL);

  if (usbGetReceiveStatusI(usbp, ep)) {
    return true;

  usb_lld_stall_out(usbp, ep);
  return false;

 * @brief   Stalls an IN endpoint.
 * @param[in] usbp      pointer to the @p USBDriver object
 * @param[in] ep        endpoint number
 * @return              The operation status.
 * @retval false        Endpoint stalled.
 * @retval true         Endpoint busy, not stalled.
 * @iclass
bool usbStallTransmitI(USBDriver *usbp, usbep_t ep) {

  osalDbgCheck(usbp != NULL);

  if (usbGetTransmitStatusI(usbp, ep)) {
    return true;

  usb_lld_stall_in(usbp, ep);
  return false;

 * @brief   USB reset routine.
 * @details This function must be invoked when an USB bus reset condition is
 *          detected.
 * @param[in] usbp      pointer to the @p USBDriver object
 * @notapi
void _usb_reset(USBDriver *usbp) {
  unsigned i;

  usbp->state         = USB_READY;
  usbp->status        = 0;
  usbp->address       = 0;
  usbp->configuration = 0;
  usbp->transmitting  = 0;
  usbp->receiving     = 0;

  /* Invalidates all endpoints into the USBDriver structure.*/
  for (i = 0; i <= (unsigned)USB_MAX_ENDPOINTS; i++) {
    usbp->epc[i] = NULL;

  /* EP0 state machine initialization.*/
  usbp->ep0state = USB_EP0_WAITING_SETUP;

  /* Low level reset.*/

 * @brief   Default EP0 SETUP callback.
 * @details This function is used by the low level driver as default handler
 *          for EP0 SETUP events.
 * @param[in] usbp      pointer to the @p USBDriver object
 * @param[in] ep        endpoint number, always zero
 * @notapi
void _usb_ep0setup(USBDriver *usbp, usbep_t ep) {
  size_t max;

  usbp->ep0state = USB_EP0_WAITING_SETUP;
  usbReadSetup(usbp, ep, usbp->setup);

  /* First verify if the application has an handler installed for this
  /*lint -save -e9007 [13.5] No side effects, it is intentional.*/
  if ((usbp->config->requests_hook_cb == NULL) ||
      !(usbp->config->requests_hook_cb(usbp))) {
  /*lint -restore*/
    /* Invoking the default handler, if this fails then stalls the
       endpoint zero as error.*/
    /*lint -save -e9007 [13.5] No side effects, it is intentional.*/
    if (((usbp->setup[0] & USB_RTYPE_TYPE_MASK) != USB_RTYPE_TYPE_STD) ||
        !default_handler(usbp)) {
    /*lint -restore*/
      /* Error response, the state machine goes into an error state, the low
         level layer will have to reset it to USB_EP0_WAITING_SETUP after
         receiving a SETUP packet.*/
      usb_lld_stall_in(usbp, 0);
      usb_lld_stall_out(usbp, 0);
      _usb_isr_invoke_event_cb(usbp, USB_EVENT_STALLED);
      usbp->ep0state = USB_EP0_ERROR;
  if (usbp->setup[1] == USB_REQ_SET_ADDRESS) {
    /* Zero-length packet sent by hardware */
  /* Transfer preparation. The request handler must have populated
     correctly the fields ep0next, ep0n and ep0endcb using the macro
  max = (size_t)get_hword(&usbp->setup[6]);
  /* The transfer size cannot exceed the specified amount.*/
  if (usbp->ep0n > max) {
    usbp->ep0n = max;
  if ((usbp->setup[0] & USB_RTYPE_DIR_MASK) == USB_RTYPE_DIR_DEV2HOST) {
    /* IN phase.*/
    if (usbp->ep0n != 0U) {
      /* Starts the transmit phase.*/
      usbp->ep0state = USB_EP0_TX;
      usbPrepareTransmit(usbp, 0, usbp->ep0next, usbp->ep0n);
      (void) usbStartTransmitI(usbp, 0);
    else {
      /* No transmission phase, directly receiving the zero sized status
      usbp->ep0state = USB_EP0_WAITING_STS;
      usbPrepareReceive(usbp, 0, NULL, 0);
      (void) usbStartReceiveI(usbp, 0);
      usb_lld_end_setup(usbp, ep);
  else {
    /* OUT phase.*/
    if (usbp->ep0n != 0U) {
      /* Starts the receive phase.*/
      usbp->ep0state = USB_EP0_RX;
      usbPrepareReceive(usbp, 0, usbp->ep0next, usbp->ep0n);
      (void) usbStartReceiveI(usbp, 0);
    else {
      /* No receive phase, directly sending the zero sized status
      usbp->ep0state = USB_EP0_SENDING_STS;
      usbPrepareTransmit(usbp, 0, NULL, 0);
      (void) usbStartTransmitI(usbp, 0);
      usb_lld_end_setup(usbp, ep);

 * @brief   Default EP0 IN callback.
 * @details This function is used by the low level driver as default handler
 *          for EP0 IN events.
 * @param[in] usbp      pointer to the @p USBDriver object
 * @param[in] ep        endpoint number, always zero
 * @notapi
void _usb_ep0in(USBDriver *usbp, usbep_t ep) {
  size_t max;

  switch (usbp->ep0state) {
  case USB_EP0_TX:
    max = (size_t)get_hword(&usbp->setup[6]);
    /* If the transmitted size is less than the requested size and it is a
       multiple of the maximum packet size then a zero size packet must be
    if ((usbp->ep0n < max) &&
        ((usbp->ep0n % usbp->epc[0]->in_maxsize) == 0U)) {
      usbPrepareTransmit(usbp, 0, NULL, 0);
      (void) usbStartTransmitI(usbp, 0);
      usbp->ep0state = USB_EP0_WAITING_TX0;
    /* Falls into, it is intentional.*/
    /* Transmit phase over, receiving the zero sized status packet.*/
    usbp->ep0state = USB_EP0_WAITING_STS;
    usbPrepareReceive(usbp, 0, NULL, 0);
    (void) usbStartReceiveI(usbp, 0);
    usb_lld_end_setup(usbp, ep);
    /* Status packet sent, invoking the callback if defined.*/
    if (usbp->ep0endcb != NULL) {
    usbp->ep0state = USB_EP0_WAITING_SETUP;
  case USB_EP0_RX:
    /* All the above are invalid states in the IN phase.*/
    osalDbgAssert(false, "EP0 state machine error");
    /* Falling through is intentional.*/
  case USB_EP0_ERROR:
    /* Error response, the state machine goes into an error state, the low
       level layer will have to reset it to USB_EP0_WAITING_SETUP after
       receiving a SETUP packet.*/
    usb_lld_stall_in(usbp, 0);
    usb_lld_stall_out(usbp, 0);
    _usb_isr_invoke_event_cb(usbp, USB_EVENT_STALLED);
    usbp->ep0state = USB_EP0_ERROR;
    osalDbgAssert(false, "EP0 state machine invalid state");

 * @brief   Default EP0 OUT callback.
 * @details This function is used by the low level driver as default handler
 *          for EP0 OUT events.
 * @param[in] usbp      pointer to the @p USBDriver object
 * @param[in] ep        endpoint number, always zero
 * @notapi
void _usb_ep0out(USBDriver *usbp, usbep_t ep) {

  switch (usbp->ep0state) {
  case USB_EP0_RX:
    /* Receive phase over, sending the zero sized status packet.*/
    usbp->ep0state = USB_EP0_SENDING_STS;
    usbPrepareTransmit(usbp, 0, NULL, 0);
    (void) usbStartTransmitI(usbp, 0);
    usb_lld_end_setup(usbp, ep);
    /* Status packet received, it must be zero sized, invoking the callback
       if defined.*/
    if (usbGetReceiveTransactionSizeI(usbp, 0) != 0U) {
    if (usbp->ep0endcb != NULL) {
    usbp->ep0state = USB_EP0_WAITING_SETUP;
  case USB_EP0_TX:
    /* All the above are invalid states in the IN phase.*/
    osalDbgAssert(false, "EP0 state machine error");
    /* Falling through is intentional.*/
  case USB_EP0_ERROR:
    /* Error response, the state machine goes into an error state, the low
       level layer will have to reset it to USB_EP0_WAITING_SETUP after
       receiving a SETUP packet.*/
    usb_lld_stall_in(usbp, 0);
    usb_lld_stall_out(usbp, 0);
    _usb_isr_invoke_event_cb(usbp, USB_EVENT_STALLED);
    usbp->ep0state = USB_EP0_ERROR;
    osalDbgAssert(false, "EP0 state machine invalid state");

#endif /* HAL_USE_USB == TRUE */

/** @} */