    ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2006..2016 Giovanni Di Sirio

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at


    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.

 * @file    hal_qspi.c
 * @brief   QSPI Driver code.
 * @addtogroup QSPI
 * @{

#include "hal.h"

#if (HAL_USE_QSPI == TRUE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)

/* Driver local definitions.                                                 */

/* Driver exported variables.                                                */

/* Driver local variables and types.                                         */

/* Driver local functions.                                                   */

/* Driver exported functions.                                                */

 * @brief   QSPI Driver initialization.
 * @note    This function is implicitly invoked by @p halInit(), there is
 *          no need to explicitly initialize the driver.
 * @init
void qspiInit(void) {


 * @brief   Initializes the standard part of a @p QSPIDriver structure.
 * @param[out] qspip     pointer to the @p QSPIDriver object
 * @init
void qspiObjectInit(QSPIDriver *qspip) {

  qspip->state = QSPI_STOP;
  qspip->config = NULL;
  qspip->thread = NULL;

 * @brief   Configures and activates the QSPI peripheral.
 * @param[in] qspip     pointer to the @p QSPIDriver object
 * @param[in] config    pointer to the @p QSPIConfig object
 * @api
void qspiStart(QSPIDriver *qspip, const QSPIConfig *config) {

  osalDbgCheck((qspip != NULL) && (config != NULL));


  osalDbgAssert((qspip->state == QSPI_STOP) || (qspip->state == QSPI_READY),
                "invalid state");

  qspip->config = config;
  qspip->state = QSPI_READY;


 * @brief   Deactivates the QSPI peripheral.
 * @note    Deactivating the peripheral also enforces a release of the slave
 *          select line.
 * @param[in] qspip     pointer to the @p QSPIDriver object
 * @api
void qspiStop(QSPIDriver *qspip) {

  osalDbgCheck(qspip != NULL);


  osalDbgAssert((qspip->state == QSPI_STOP) || (qspip->state == QSPI_READY),
                "invalid state");

  qspip->config = NULL;
  qspip->state  = QSPI_STOP;


 * @brief   Sends a command without data phase.
 * @post    At the end of the operation the configured callback is invoked.
 * @param[in] qspip     pointer to the @p QSPIDriver object
 * @param[in] cmdp      pointer to the command descriptor
 * @api
void qspiStartCommand(QSPIDriver *qspip, const qspi_command_t *cmdp) {

  osalDbgCheck((qspip != NULL) && (cmdp != NULL));


  osalDbgAssert(qspip->state == QSPI_READY, "not ready");

  qspiStartCommandI(qspip, cmdp);


 * @brief   Sends a command with data over the QSPI bus.
 * @post    At the end of the operation the configured callback is invoked.
 * @param[in] qspip     pointer to the @p QSPIDriver object
 * @param[in] cmdp      pointer to the command descriptor
 * @param[in] n         number of bytes to send
 * @param[in] txbuf     the pointer to the transmit buffer
 * @api
void qspiStartSend(QSPIDriver *qspip, const qspi_command_t *cmdp,
                   size_t n, const uint8_t *txbuf) {

  osalDbgCheck((qspip != NULL) && (cmdp != NULL));
  osalDbgCheck((n > 0U) && (txbuf != NULL));


  osalDbgAssert(qspip->state == QSPI_READY, "not ready");

  qspiStartSendI(qspip, cmdp, n, txbuf);


 * @brief   Sends a command then receives data over the QSPI bus.
 * @post    At the end of the operation the configured callback is invoked.
 * @param[in] qspip     pointer to the @p QSPIDriver object
 * @param[in] cmdp      pointer to the command descriptor
 * @param[in] n         number of bytes to send
 * @param[out] rxbuf    the pointer to the receive buffer
 * @api
void qspiStartReceive(QSPIDriver *qspip, const qspi_command_t *cmdp,
                      size_t n, uint8_t *rxbuf) {

  osalDbgCheck((qspip != NULL) && (cmdp != NULL));
  osalDbgCheck((n > 0U) && (rxbuf != NULL));


  osalDbgAssert(qspip->state == QSPI_READY, "not ready");

  qspiStartReceiveI(qspip, cmdp, n, rxbuf);


#if (QSPI_USE_WAIT == TRUE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
 * @brief   Sends a command without data phase.
 * @pre     In order to use this function the option @p QSPI_USE_WAIT must be
 *          enabled.
 * @pre     In order to use this function the driver must have been configured
 *          without callbacks (@p end_cb = @p NULL).
 * @param[in] qspip     pointer to the @p QSPIDriver object
 * @param[in] cmdp      pointer to the command descriptor
 * @api
void qspiCommand(QSPIDriver *qspip, const qspi_command_t *cmdp) {

  osalDbgCheck((qspip != NULL) && (cmdp != NULL));
  osalDbgCheck((cmdp->cfg & QSPI_CFG_DATA_MODE_MASK) == QSPI_CFG_DATA_MODE_NONE);


  osalDbgAssert(qspip->state == QSPI_READY, "not ready");
  osalDbgAssert(qspip->config->end_cb == NULL, "has callback");

  qspiStartCommandI(qspip, cmdp);
  (void) osalThreadSuspendS(&qspip->thread);


 * @brief   Sends a command with data over the QSPI bus.
 * @pre     In order to use this function the option @p QSPI_USE_WAIT must be
 *          enabled.
 * @pre     In order to use this function the driver must have been configured
 *          without callbacks (@p end_cb = @p NULL).
 * @param[in] qspip     pointer to the @p QSPIDriver object
 * @param[in] cmdp      pointer to the command descriptor
 * @param[in] n         number of bytes to send
 * @param[in] txbuf     the pointer to the transmit buffer
 * @api
void qspiSend(QSPIDriver *qspip, const qspi_command_t *cmdp,
              size_t n, const uint8_t *txbuf) {

  osalDbgCheck((qspip != NULL) && (cmdp != NULL));
  osalDbgCheck((n > 0U) && (txbuf != NULL));
  osalDbgCheck((cmdp->cfg & QSPI_CFG_DATA_MODE_MASK) != QSPI_CFG_DATA_MODE_NONE);


  osalDbgAssert(qspip->state == QSPI_READY, "not ready");
  osalDbgAssert(qspip->config->end_cb == NULL, "has callback");

  qspiStartSendI(qspip, cmdp, n, txbuf);
  (void) osalThreadSuspendS(&qspip->thread);


 * @brief   Sends a command then receives data over the QSPI bus.
 * @pre     In order to use this function the option @p QSPI_USE_WAIT must be
 *          enabled.
 * @pre     In order to use this function the driver must have been configured
 *          without callbacks (@p end_cb = @p NULL).
 * @param[in] qspip     pointer to the @p QSPIDriver object
 * @param[in] cmdp      pointer to the command descriptor
 * @param[in] n         number of bytes to send
 * @param[out] rxbuf    the pointer to the receive buffer
 * @api
void qspiReceive(QSPIDriver *qspip, const qspi_command_t *cmdp,
                 size_t n, uint8_t *rxbuf) {

  osalDbgCheck((qspip != NULL) && (cmdp != NULL));
  osalDbgCheck((n > 0U) && (rxbuf != NULL));
  osalDbgCheck((cmdp->cfg & QSPI_CFG_DATA_MODE_MASK) != QSPI_CFG_DATA_MODE_NONE);


  osalDbgAssert(qspip->state == QSPI_READY, "not ready");
  osalDbgAssert(qspip->config->end_cb == NULL, "has callback");

  qspiStartReceiveI(qspip, cmdp, n, rxbuf);
  (void) osalThreadSuspendS(&qspip->thread);

#endif /* QSPI_USE_WAIT == TRUE */

#if (QSPI_SUPPORTS_MEMMAP == TRUE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
 * @brief   Maps in memory space a QSPI flash device.
 * @pre     The memory flash device must be initialized appropriately
 *          before mapping it in memory space.
 * @param[in] qspip     pointer to the @p QSPIDriver object
 * @param[in] cmdp      pointer to the command descriptor
 * @param[out] addrp    pointer to the memory start address of the mapped
 *                      flash or @p NULL
 * @api
void qspiMapFlash(QSPIDriver *qspip,
                  const qspi_command_t *cmdp,
                  uint8_t **addrp) {

  osalDbgCheck((qspip != NULL) && (cmdp != NULL));
  osalDbgCheck((cmdp->cfg & QSPI_CFG_DATA_MODE_MASK) != QSPI_CFG_DATA_MODE_NONE);


  osalDbgAssert(qspip->state == QSPI_READY, "not ready");

  qspiMapFlashI(qspip, cmdp, addrp);
  qspip->state = QSPI_MEMMAP;


 * @brief   Maps in memory space a QSPI flash device.
 * @post    The memory flash device must be re-initialized for normal
 *          commands exchange.
 * @param[in] qspip     pointer to the @p QSPIDriver object
 * @api
void qspiUnmapFlash(QSPIDriver *qspip) {

  osalDbgCheck(qspip != NULL);


  osalDbgAssert(qspip->state == QSPI_MEMMAP, "not ready");

  qspip->state = QSPI_READY;


 * @brief   Gains exclusive access to the QSPI bus.
 * @details This function tries to gain ownership to the QSPI bus, if the bus
 *          is already being used then the invoking thread is queued.
 * @pre     In order to use this function the option @p QSPI_USE_MUTUAL_EXCLUSION
 *          must be enabled.
 * @param[in] qspip     pointer to the @p QSPIDriver object
 * @api
void qspiAcquireBus(QSPIDriver *qspip) {

  osalDbgCheck(qspip != NULL);


 * @brief   Releases exclusive access to the QSPI bus.
 * @pre     In order to use this function the option @p QSPI_USE_MUTUAL_EXCLUSION
 *          must be enabled.
 * @param[in] qspip     pointer to the @p QSPIDriver object
 * @api
void qspiReleaseBus(QSPIDriver *qspip) {

  osalDbgCheck(qspip != NULL);


#endif /* HAL_USE_QSPI == TRUE */

/** @} */