/* ChibiOS/RT - Copyright (C) 2006,2007,2008,2009,2010, 2011,2012 Giovanni Di Sirio. This file is part of ChibiOS/RT. ChibiOS/RT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ChibiOS/RT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * @file stm32_otg.h * @brief STM32 OTG registers layout header. * * @addtogroup USB * @{ */ #ifndef _STM32_OTG_H_ #define _STM32_OTG_H_ /** * @brief Number of the implemented endpoints in OTG_FS. * @details This value does not include the endpoint 0 that is always present. */ #define STM32_OTG1_ENDOPOINTS_NUMBER 3 /** * @brief Number of the implemented endpoints in OTG_HS. * @details This value does not include the endpoint 0 that is always present. */ #define STM32_OTG2_ENDOPOINTS_NUMBER 5 /** * @brief OTG_FS FIFO memory size in words. */ #define STM32_OTG1_FIFO_MEM_SIZE 384 /** * @brief OTG_HS FIFO memory size in words. */ #define STM32_OTG2_FIFO_MEM_SIZE 1024 /** * @brief Host channel registers group. */ typedef struct { volatile uint32_t HCCHAR; /**< @brief Host channel characteristics register. */ volatile uint32_t resvd8; volatile uint32_t HCINT; /**< @brief Host channel interrupt register.*/ volatile uint32_t HCINTMSK; /**< @brief Host channel interrupt mask register. */ volatile uint32_t HCTSIZ; /**< @brief Host channel transfer size register. */ volatile uint32_t resvd14; volatile uint32_t resvd18; volatile uint32_t resvd1c; } stm32_otg_host_chn_t; /** * @brief Device input endpoint registers group. */ typedef struct { volatile uint32_t DIEPCTL; /**< @brief Device control IN endpoint control register. */ volatile uint32_t resvd4; volatile uint32_t DIEPINT; /**< @brief Device IN endpoint interrupt register. */ volatile uint32_t resvdC; volatile uint32_t DIEPTSIZ; /**< @brief Device IN endpoint transfer size register. */ volatile uint32_t resvd14; volatile uint32_t DTXFSTS; /**< @brief Device IN endpoint transmit FIFO status register. */ volatile uint32_t resvd1C; } stm32_otg_in_ep_t; /** * @brief Device output endpoint registers group. */ typedef struct { volatile uint32_t DOEPCTL; /**< @brief Device control OUT endpoint control register. */ volatile uint32_t resvd4; volatile uint32_t DOEPINT; /**< @brief Device OUT endpoint interrupt register. */ volatile uint32_t resvdC; volatile uint32_t DOEPTSIZ; /**< @brief Device OUT endpoint transfer size register. */ volatile uint32_t resvd14; volatile uint32_t resvd18; volatile uint32_t resvd1C; } stm32_otg_out_ep_t; /** * @brief USB registers memory map. */ typedef struct { volatile uint32_t GOTGCTL; /**< @brief OTG control and status register.*/ volatile uint32_t GOTGINT; /**< @brief OTG interrupt register. */ volatile uint32_t GAHBCFG; /**< @brief AHB configuration register. */ volatile uint32_t GUSBCFG; /**< @brief USB configuration register. */ volatile uint32_t GRSTCTL; /**< @brief Reset register size. */ volatile uint32_t GINTSTS; /**< @brief Interrupt register. */ volatile uint32_t GINTMSK; /**< @brief Interrupt mask register. */ volatile uint32_t GRXSTSR; /**< @brief Receive status debug read register. */ volatile uint32_t GRXSTSP; /**< @brief Receive status read/pop register. */ volatile uint32_t GRXFSIZ; /**< @brief Receive FIFO size register. */ volatile uint32_t DIEPTXF0; /**< @brief Endpoint 0 transmit FIFO size register. */ volatile uint32_t HNPTXSTS; /**< @brief Non-periodic transmit FIFO/queue status register. */ volatile uint32_t resvd30; volatile uint32_t resvd34; volatile uint32_t GCCFG; /**< @brief General core configuration. */ volatile uint32_t CID; /**< @brief Core ID register. */ volatile uint32_t resvd58[48]; volatile uint32_t HPTXFSIZ; /**< @brief Host periodic transmit FIFO size register. */ volatile uint32_t DIEPTXF[15];/**< @brief Device IN endpoint transmit FIFO size registers. */ volatile uint32_t resvd140[176]; volatile uint32_t HCFG; /**< @brief Host configuration register. */ volatile uint32_t HFIR; /**< @brief Host frame interval register. */ volatile uint32_t HFNUM; /**< @brief Host frame number/frame time Remaining register. */ volatile uint32_t resvd40C; volatile uint32_t HPTXSTS; /**< @brief Host periodic transmit FIFO/queue status register. */ volatile uint32_t HAINT; /**< @brief Host all channels interrupt register. */ volatile uint32_t HAINTMSK; /**< @brief Host all channels interrupt mask register. */ volatile uint32_t resvd41C[9]; volatile uint32_t HPRT; /**< @brief Host port control and status register. */ volatile uint32_t resvd444[47]; stm32_otg_host_chn_t hc[16]; /**< @brief Host channels array. */ volatile uint32_t resvd700[64]; volatile uint32_t DCFG; /**< @brief Device configuration register. */ volatile uint32_t DCTL; /**< @brief Device control register. */ volatile uint32_t DSTS; /**< @brief Device status register. */ volatile uint32_t resvd80C; volatile uint32_t DIEPMSK; /**< @brief Device IN endpoint common interrupt mask register. */ volatile uint32_t DOEPMSK; /**< @brief Device OUT endpoint common interrupt mask register. */ volatile uint32_t DAINT; /**< @brief Device all endpoints interrupt register. */ volatile uint32_t DAINTMSK; /**< @brief Device all endpoints interrupt mask register. */ volatile uint32_t resvd820; volatile uint32_t resvd824; volatile uint32_t DVBUSDIS; /**< @brief Device VBUS discharge time register. */ volatile uint32_t DVBUSPULSE; /**< @brief Device VBUS pulsing time register. */ volatile uint32_t resvd830; volatile uint32_t DIEPEMPMSK; /**< @brief Device IN endpoint FIFO empty interrupt mask register. */ volatile uint32_t resvd838; volatile uint32_t resvd83C; volatile uint32_t resvd840[16]; volatile uint32_t resvd880[16]; volatile uint32_t resvd8C0[16]; stm32_otg_in_ep_t ie[16]; /**< @brief Input endpoints. */ stm32_otg_out_ep_t oe[16]; /**< @brief Output endpoints. */ volatile uint32_t resvdD00[64]; volatile uint32_t PCGCCTL; /**< @brief Power and clock gating control register. */ volatile uint32_t resvdE04[127]; volatile uint32_t FIFO[16][1024]; } stm32_otg_t; /** * @name GOTGCTL register bit definitions * @{ */ #define GOTGCTL_BSVLD (1U<<19) /**< B-Session Valid. */ #define GOTGCTL_ASVLD (1U<<18) /**< A-Session Valid. */ #define GOTGCTL_DBCT (1U<<17) /**< Long/Short debounce time. */ #define GOTGCTL_CIDSTS (1U<<16) /**< Connector ID status. */ #define GOTGCTL_DHNPEN (1U<<11) /**< Device HNP enabled. */ #define GOTGCTL_HSHNPEN (1U<<10) /**< Host Set HNP enable. */ #define GOTGCTL_HNPRQ (1U<<9) /**< HNP request. */ #define GOTGCTL_HNGSCS (1U<<8) /**< Host negotiation success. */ #define GOTGCTL_SRQ (1U<<1) /**< Session request. */ #define GOTGCTL_SRQSCS (1U<<0) /**< Session request success. */ /** @} */ /** * @name GOTGINT register bit definitions * @{ */ #define GOTGINT_DBCDNE (1U<<19) /**< Debounce done. */ #define GOTGINT_ADTOCHG (1U<<18) /**< A-Device timeout change. */ #define GOTGINT_HNGDET (1U<<17) /**< Host negotiation detected. */ #define GOTGINT_HNSSCHG (1U<<9) /**< Host negotiation success status change. */ #define GOTGINT_SRSSCHG (1U<<8) /**< Session request success status change. */ #define GOTGINT_SEDET (1U<<2) /**< Session end detected. */ /** @} */ /** * @name GAHBCFG register bit definitions * @{ */ #define GAHBCFG_PTXFELVL (1U<<8) /**< Periodic TxFIFO empty level. */ #define GAHBCFG_TXFELVL (1U<<7) /**< Non-periodic TxFIFO empty level. */ #define GAHBCFG_DMAEN (1U<<5) /**< DMA enable (HS only). */ #define GAHBCFG_HBSTLEN_MASK (15U<<1) /**< Burst length/type mask (HS only). */ #define GAHBCFG_HBSTLEN(n) ((n)<<1) /**< Burst length/type (HS only). */ #define GAHBCFG_GINTMSK (1U<<0) /**< Global interrupt mask. */ /** @} */ /** * @name GUSBCFG register bit definitions * @{ */ #define GUSBCFG_CTXPKT (1U<<31) /**< Corrupt Tx packet. */ #define GUSBCFG_FDMOD (1U<<30) /**< Force Device Mode. */ #define GUSBCFG_FHMOD (1U<<29) /**< Force Host Mode. */ #define GUSBCFG_TRDT_MASK (15U<<10) /**< USB Turnaround time field mask. */ #define GUSBCFG_TRDT(n) ((n)<<10) /**< USB Turnaround time field value. */ #define GUSBCFG_HNPCAP (1U<<9) /**< HNP-Capable. */ #define GUSBCFG_SRPCAP (1U<<8) /**< SRP-Capable. */ #define GUSBCFG_PHYSEL (1U<<6) /**< USB 2.0 High-Speed PHY or USB 1.1 Full-Speed serial transceiver Select. */ #define GUSBCFG_TOCAL_MASK (7U<<0) /**< HS/FS timeout calibration field mask. */ #define GUSBCFG_TOCAL(n) ((n)<<0) /**< HS/FS timeout calibration field value. */ /** @} */ /** * @name GRSTCTL register bit definitions * @{ */ #define GRSTCTL_AHBIDL (1U<<31) /**< AHB Master Idle. */ #define GRSTCTL_TXFNUM_MASK (31U<<6) /**< TxFIFO number field mask. */ #define GRSTCTL_TXFNUM(n) ((n)<<6) /**< TxFIFO number field value. */ #define GRSTCTL_TXFFLSH (1U<<5) /**< TxFIFO flush. */ #define GRSTCTL_RXFFLSH (1U<<4) /**< RxFIFO flush. */ #define GRSTCTL_FCRST (1U<<2) /**< Host frame counter reset. */ #define GRSTCTL_HSRST (1U<<1) /**< HClk soft reset. */ #define GRSTCTL_CSRST (1U<<0) /**< Core soft reset. */ /** @} */ /** * @name GINTSTS register bit definitions * @{ */ #define GINTSTS_WKUPINT (1U<<31) /**< Resume/Remote wakeup detected interrupt. */ #define GINTSTS_SRQINT (1U<<30) /**< Session request/New session detected interrupt. */ #define GINTSTS_DISCINT (1U<<29) /**< Disconnect detected interrupt. */ #define GINTSTS_CIDSCHG (1U<<28) /**< Connector ID status change.*/ #define GINTSTS_PTXFE (1U<<26) /**< Periodic TxFIFO empty. */ #define GINTSTS_HCINT (1U<<25) /**< Host channels interrupt. */ #define GINTSTS_HPRTINT (1U<<24) /**< Host port interrupt. */ #define GINTSTS_IPXFR (1U<<21) /**< Incomplete periodic transfer. */ #define GINTSTS_IISOOXFR (1U<<21) /**< Incomplete isochronous OUT transfer. */ #define GINTSTS_IISOIXFR (1U<<20) /**< Incomplete isochronous IN transfer. */ #define GINTSTS_OEPINT (1U<<19) /**< OUT endpoints interrupt. */ #define GINTSTS_IEPINT (1U<<18) /**< IN endpoints interrupt. */ #define GINTSTS_EOPF (1U<<15) /**< End of periodic frame interrupt. */ #define GINTSTS_ISOODRP (1U<<14) /**< Isochronous OUT packet dropped interrupt. */ #define GINTSTS_ENUMDNE (1U<<13) /**< Enumeration done. */ #define GINTSTS_USBRST (1U<<12) /**< USB reset. */ #define GINTSTS_USBSUSP (1U<<11) /**< USB suspend. */ #define GINTSTS_ESUSP (1U<<10) /**< Early suspend. */ #define GINTSTS_GONAKEFF (1U<<7) /**< Global OUT NAK effective. */ #define GINTSTS_GINAKEFF (1U<<6) /**< Global IN non-periodic NAK effective. */ #define GINTSTS_NPTXFE (1U<<5) /**< Non-periodic TxFIFO empty. */ #define GINTSTS_RXFLVL (1U<<4) /**< RxFIFO non-empty. */ #define GINTSTS_SOF (1U<<3) /**< Start of frame. */ #define GINTSTS_OTGINT (1U<<2) /**< OTG interrupt. */ #define GINTSTS_MMIS (1U<<1) /**< Mode Mismatch interrupt. */ #define GINTSTS_CMOD (1U<<0) /**< Current mode of operation. */ /** @} */ /** * @name GINTMSK register bit definitions * @{ */ #define GINTMSK_WKUM (1U<<31) /**< Resume/remote wakeup detected interrupt mask. */ #define GINTMSK_SRQM (1U<<30) /**< Session request/New session detected interrupt mask. */ #define GINTMSK_DISCM (1U<<29) /**< Disconnect detected interrupt mask. */ #define GINTMSK_CIDSCHGM (1U<<28) /**< Connector ID status change mask. */ #define GINTMSK_PTXFEM (1U<<26) /**< Periodic TxFIFO empty mask.*/ #define GINTMSK_HCM (1U<<25) /**< Host channels interrupt mask. */ #define GINTMSK_HPRTM (1U<<24) /**< Host port interrupt mask. */ #define GINTMSK_IPXFRM (1U<<21) /**< Incomplete periodic transfer mask. */ #define GINTMSK_IISOOXFRM (1U<<21) /**< Incomplete isochronous OUT transfer mask. */ #define GINTMSK_IISOIXFRM (1U<<20) /**< Incomplete isochronous IN transfer mask. */ #define GINTMSK_OEPM (1U<<19) /**< OUT endpoints interrupt mask. */ #define GINTMSK_IEPM (1U<<18) /**< IN endpoints interrupt mask. */ #define GINTMSK_EOPFM (1U<<15) /**< End of periodic frame interrupt mask. */ #define GINTMSK_ISOODRPM (1U<<14) /**< Isochronous OUT packet dropped interrupt mask. */ #define GINTMSK_ENUMDNEM (1U<<13) /**< Enumeration done mask. */ #define GINTMSK_USBRSTM (1U<<12) /**< USB reset mask. */ #define GINTMSK_USBSUSPM (1U<<11) /**< USB suspend mask. */ #define GINTMSK_ESUSPM (1U<<10) /**< Early suspend mask. */ #define GINTMSK_GONAKEFFM (1U<<7) /**< Global OUT NAK effective mask. */ #define GINTMSK_GINAKEFFM (1U<<6) /**< Global non-periodic IN NAK effective mask. */ #define GINTMSK_NPTXFEM (1U<<5) /**< Non-periodic TxFIFO empty mask. */ #define GINTMSK_RXFLVLM (1U<<4) /**< Receive FIFO non-empty mask. */ #define GINTMSK_SOFM (1U<<3) /**< Start of (micro)frame mask.*/ #define GINTMSK_OTGM (1U<<2) /**< OTG interrupt mask. */ #define GINTMSK_MMISM (1U<<1) /**< Mode Mismatch interrupt mask. */ /** @} */ /** * @name GRXSTSR register bit definitions * @{ */ #define GRXSTSR_PKTSTS_MASK (15U<<17) /**< Packet status mask. */ #define GRXSTSR_PKTSTS(n) ((n)<<17) /**< Packet status value. */ #define GRXSTSR_OUT_GLOBAL_NAK GRXSTSR_PKTSTS(1) #define GRXSTSR_OUT_DATA GRXSTSR_PKTSTS(2) #define GRXSTSR_OUT_COMP GRXSTSR_PKTSTS(3) #define GRXSTSR_SETUP_COMP GRXSTSR_PKTSTS(4) #define GRXSTSR_SETUP_DATA GRXSTSR_PKTSTS(6) #define GRXSTSR_DPID_MASK (3U<<15) /**< Data PID mask. */ #define GRXSTSR_DPID(n) ((n)<<15) /**< Data PID value. */ #define GRXSTSR_BCNT_MASK (0x7FF<<4) /**< Byte count mask. */ #define GRXSTSR_BCNT(n) ((n)<<4) /**< Byte count value. */ #define GRXSTSR_CHNUM_MASK (15U<<0) /**< Channel number mask. */ #define GRXSTSR_CHNUM(n) ((n)<<0) /**< Channel number value. */ #define GRXSTSR_EPNUM_MASK (15U<<0) /**< Endpoint number mask. */ #define GRXSTSR_EPNUM(n) ((n)<<0) /**< Endpoint number value. */ /** @} */ /** * @name GRXSTSP register bit definitions * @{ */ #define GRXSTSP_PKTSTS_MASK (15<<17) /**< Packet status mask. */ #define GRXSTSP_PKTSTS(n) ((n)<<17) /**< Packet status value. */ #define GRXSTSP_OUT_GLOBAL_NAK GRXSTSP_PKTSTS(1) #define GRXSTSP_OUT_DATA GRXSTSP_PKTSTS(2) #define GRXSTSP_OUT_COMP GRXSTSP_PKTSTS(3) #define GRXSTSP_SETUP_COMP GRXSTSP_PKTSTS(4) #define GRXSTSP_SETUP_DATA GRXSTSP_PKTSTS(6) #define GRXSTSP_DPID_MASK (3U<<15) /**< Data PID mask. */ #define GRXSTSP_DPID(n) ((n)<<15) /**< Data PID value. */ #define GRXSTSP_BCNT_MASK (0x7FF<<4) /**< Byte count mask. */ #define GRXSTSP_BCNT_OFF 4 /**< Byte count offset. */ #define GRXSTSP_BCNT(n) ((n)<<4) /**< Byte count value. */ #define GRXSTSP_CHNUM_MASK (15U<<0) /**< Channel number mask. */ #define GRXSTSP_CHNUM(n) ((n)<<0) /**< Channel number value. */ #define GRXSTSP_EPNUM_MASK (15U<<0) /**< Endpoint number mask. */ #define GRXSTSP_EPNUM_OFF 0 /**< Endpoint number offset. */ #define GRXSTSP_EPNUM(n) ((n)<<0) /**< Endpoint number value. */ /** @} */ /** * @name GRXFSIZ register bit definitions * @{ */ #define GRXFSIZ_RXFD_MASK (0xFFFF<<0) /**< RxFIFO depth mask. */ #define GRXFSIZ_RXFD(n) ((n)<<0) /**< RxFIFO depth value. */ /** @} */ /** * @name DIEPTXFx register bit definitions * @{ */ #define DIEPTXF_INEPTXFD_MASK (0xFFFFU<<16)/**< IN endpoint TxFIFO depth mask. */ #define DIEPTXF_INEPTXFD(n) ((n)<<16) /**< IN endpoint TxFIFO depth value. */ #define DIEPTXF_INEPTXSA_MASK (0xFFFF<<0) /**< IN endpoint FIFOx transmit RAM start address mask. */ #define DIEPTXF_INEPTXSA(n) ((n)<<0) /**< IN endpoint FIFOx transmit RAM start address value. */ /** @} */ /** * @name GCCFG register bit definitions * @{ */ #define GCCFG_NOVBUSSENS (1U<<21) /**< VBUS sensing disable. */ #define GCCFG_SOFOUTEN (1U<<20) /**< SOF output enable. */ #define GCCFG_VBUSBSEN (1U<<19) /**< Enable the VBUS sensing "B" device. */ #define GCCFG_VBUSASEN (1U<<18) /**< Enable the VBUS sensing "A" device. */ #define GCCFG_PWRDWN (1U<<16) /**< Power down. */ /** @} */ /** * @name HPTXFSIZ register bit definitions * @{ */ #define HPTXFSIZ_PTXFD_MASK (0xFFFFU<<16)/**< Host periodic TxFIFO depth mask. */ #define HPTXFSIZ_PTXFD(n) ((n)<<16) /**< Host periodic TxFIFO depth value. */ #define HPTXFSIZ_PTXSA_MASK (0xFFFFU<<0)/**< Host periodic TxFIFO Start address mask. */ #define HPTXFSIZ_PTXSA(n) ((n)<<0) /**< Host periodic TxFIFO start address value. */ /** @} */ /** * @name HCFG register bit definitions * @{ */ #define HCFG_FSLSS (1U<<2) /**< FS- and LS-only support. */ #define HCFG_FSLSPCS_MASK (3U<<0) /**< FS/LS PHY clock select mask. */ #define HCFG_FSLSPCS_48 (1U<<0) /**< PHY clock is running at 48 MHz. */ #define HCFG_FSLSPCS_6 (2U<<0) /**< PHY clock is running at 6 MHz. */ /** @} */ /** * @name HFIR register bit definitions * @{ */ #define HFIR_FRIVL_MASK (0xFFFFU<<0)/**< Frame interval mask. */ #define HFIR_FRIVL(n) ((n)<<0) /**< Frame interval value. */ /** @} */ /** * @name HFNUM register bit definitions * @{ */ #define HFNUM_FTREM_MASK (0xFFFFU<<16)/**< Frame time Remaining mask.*/ #define HFNUM_FTREM(n) ((n)<<16) /**< Frame time Remaining value.*/ #define HFNUM_FRNUM_MASK (0xFFFFU<<0)/**< Frame number mask. */ #define HFNUM_FRNUM(n) ((n)<<0) /**< Frame number value. */ /** @} */ /** * @name HPTXSTS register bit definitions * @{ */ #define HPTXSTS_PTXQTOP_MASK (0xFFU<<24) /**< Top of the periodic transmit request queue mask. */ #define HPTXSTS_PTXQTOP(n) ((n)<<24) /**< Top of the periodic transmit request queue value. */ #define HPTXSTS_PTXQSAV_MASK (0xFF<<16) /**< Periodic transmit request queue Space Available mask. */ #define HPTXSTS_PTXQSAV(n) ((n)<<16) /**< Periodic transmit request queue Space Available value. */ #define HPTXSTS_PTXFSAVL_MASK (0xFFFF<<0) /**< Periodic transmit Data FIFO Space Available mask. */ #define HPTXSTS_PTXFSAVL(n) ((n)<<0) /**< Periodic transmit Data FIFO Space Available value. */ /** @} */ /** * @name HAINT register bit definitions * @{ */ #define HAINT_HAINT_MASK (0xFFFFU<<0)/**< Channel interrupts mask. */ #define HAINT_HAINT(n) ((n)<<0) /**< Channel interrupts value. */ /** @} */ /** * @name HAINTMSK register bit definitions * @{ */ #define HAINTMSK_HAINTM_MASK (0xFFFFU<<0)/**< Channel interrupt mask mask. */ #define HAINTMSK_HAINTM(n) ((n)<<0) /**< Channel interrupt mask value. */ /** @} */ /** * @name HPRT register bit definitions * @{ */ #define HPRT_PSPD_MASK (3U<<17) /**< Port speed mask. */ #define HPRT_PSPD_FS (1U<<17) /**< Full speed value. */ #define HPRT_PSPD_LS (2U<<17) /**< Low speed value. */ #define HPRT_PTCTL_MASK (15<<13) /**< Port Test control mask. */ #define HPRT_PTCTL(n) ((n)<<13) /**< Port Test control value. */ #define HPRT_PPWR (1U<<12) /**< Port power. */ #define HPRT_PLSTS_MASK (3U<<11) /**< Port Line status mask. */ #define HPRT_PLSTS_DM (1U<<11) /**< Logic level of D-. */ #define HPRT_PLSTS_DP (1U<<10) /**< Logic level of D+. */ #define HPRT_PRST (1U<<8) /**< Port reset. */ #define HPRT_PSUSP (1U<<7) /**< Port suspend. */ #define HPRT_PRES (1U<<6) /**< Port Resume. */ #define HPRT_POCCHNG (1U<<5) /**< Port overcurrent change. */ #define HPRT_POCA (1U<<4) /**< Port overcurrent active. */ #define HPRT_PENCHNG (1U<<3) /**< Port enable/disable change.*/ #define HPRT_PENA (1U<<2) /**< Port enable. */ #define HPRT_PCDET (1U<<1) /**< Port Connect detected. */ #define HPRT_PCSTS (1U<<0) /**< Port connect status. */ /** @} */ /** * @name HCCHAR register bit definitions * @{ */ #define HCCHAR_CHENA (1U<<31) /**< Channel enable. */ #define HCCHAR_CHDIS (1U<<30) /**< Channel Disable. */ #define HCCHAR_ODDFRM (1U<<29) /**< Odd frame. */ #define HCCHAR_DAD_MASK (0x7FU<<22) /**< Device Address mask. */ #define HCCHAR_DAD(n) ((n)<<22) /**< Device Address value. */ #define HCCHAR_MCNT_MASK (3U<<20) /**< Multicount mask. */ #define HCCHAR_MCNT(n) ((n)<<20) /**< Multicount value. */ #define HCCHAR_EPTYP_MASK (3U<<18) /**< Endpoint type mask. */ #define HCCHAR_EPTYP(n) ((n)<<18) /**< Endpoint type value. */ #define HCCHAR_EPTYP_CTL (0U<<18) /**< Control endpoint value. */ #define HCCHAR_EPTYP_ISO (1U<<18) /**< Isochronous endpoint value.*/ #define HCCHAR_EPTYP_BULK (2U<<18) /**< Bulk endpoint value. */ #define HCCHAR_EPTYP_INTR (3U<<18) /**< Interrupt endpoint value. */ #define HCCHAR_LSDEV (1U<<17) /**< Low-Speed device. */ #define HCCHAR_EPDIR (1U<<15) /**< Endpoint direction. */ #define HCCHAR_EPNUM_MASK (15U<<11) /**< Endpoint number mask. */ #define HCCHAR_EPNUM(n) ((n)<<11) /**< Endpoint number value. */ #define HCCHAR_MPS_MASK (11U<<0) /**< Maximum packet size mask. */ #define HCCHAR_MPS(n) (11U<<0) /**< Maximum packet size value. */ /** @} */ /** * @name HCINT register bit definitions * @{ */ #define HCINT_DTERR (1U<<10) /**< Data toggle error. */ #define HCINT_FRMOR (1U<<9) /**< Frame overrun. */ #define HCINT_BBERR (1U<<8) /**< Babble error. */ #define HCINT_TRERR (1U<<7) /**< Transaction Error. */ #define HCINT_ACK (1U<<5) /**< ACK response received/transmitted interrupt. */ #define HCINT_NAK (1U<<4) /**< NAK response received interrupt. */ #define HCINT_STALL (1U<<3) /**< STALL response received interrupt. */ #define HCINT_CHH (1U<<1) /**< Channel halted. */ #define HCINT_XFRC (1U<<0) /**< Transfer completed. */ /** @} */ /** * @name HCINTMSK register bit definitions * @{ */ #define HCINTMSK_DTERRM (1U<<10) /**< Data toggle error mask. */ #define HCINTMSK_FRMORM (1U<<9) /**< Frame overrun mask. */ #define HCINTMSK_BBERRM (1U<<8) /**< Babble error mask. */ #define HCINTMSK_TRERRM (1U<<7) /**< Transaction error mask. */ #define HCINTMSK_NYET (1U<<6) /**< NYET response received interrupt mask. */ #define HCINTMSK_ACKM (1U<<5) /**< ACK Response received/transmitted interrupt mask. */ #define HCINTMSK_NAKM (1U<<4) /**< NAK response received interrupt mask. */ #define HCINTMSK_STALLM (1U<<3) /**< STALL response received interrupt mask. */ #define HCINTMSK_CHHM (1U<<1) /**< Channel halted mask. */ #define HCINTMSK_XFRCM (1U<<0) /**< Transfer completed mask. */ /** @} */ /** * @name HCTSIZ register bit definitions * @{ */ #define HCTSIZ_DPID_MASK (3U<<29) /**< PID mask. */ #define HCTSIZ_DPID_DATA0 (0U<<29) /**< DATA0. */ #define HCTSIZ_DPID_DATA2 (1U<<29) /**< DATA2. */ #define HCTSIZ_DPID_DATA1 (2U<<29) /**< DATA1. */ #define HCTSIZ_DPID_MDATA (3U<<29) /**< MDATA. */ #define HCTSIZ_PKTCNT_MASK (0x3FFU<<19)/**< Packet count mask. */ #define HCTSIZ_PKTCNT(n) ((n)<<19) /**< Packet count value. */ #define HCTSIZ_XFRSIZ_MASK (0x7FFFF<<0)/**< Transfer size mask. */ #define HCTSIZ_XFRSIZ(n) ((n)<<0) /**< Transfer size value. */ /** @} */ /** * @name DCFG register bit definitions * @{ */ #define DCFG_PFIVL_MASK (3U<<11) /**< Periodic frame interval mask. */ #define DCFG_PFIVL(n) ((n)<<11) /**< Periodic frame interval value. */ #define DCFG_DAD_MASK (0x7FU<<4) /**< Device address mask. */ #define DCFG_DAD(n) ((n)<<4) /**< Device address value. */ #define DCFG_NZLSOHSK (1U<<2) /**< Non-Zero-Length status OUT handshake. */ #define DCFG_DSPD_MASK (3U<<0) /**< Device speed mask. */ #define DCFG_DSPD_HS (0U<<0) /**< High speed (USB 2.0). */ #define DCFG_DSPD_HS_FS (1U<<0) /**< High speed (USB 2.0) in FS mode. */ #define DCFG_DSPD_FS11 (3U<<0) /**< Full speed (USB 1.1 transceiver clock is 48 MHz). */ /** @} */ /** * @name DCTL register bit definitions * @{ */ #define DCTL_POPRGDNE (1U<<11) /**< Power-on programming done. */ #define DCTL_CGONAK (1U<<10) /**< Clear global OUT NAK. */ #define DCTL_SGONAK (1U<<9) /**< Set global OUT NAK. */ #define DCTL_CGINAK (1U<<8) /**< Clear global non-periodic IN NAK. */ #define DCTL_SGINAK (1U<<7) /**< Set global non-periodic IN NAK. */ #define DCTL_TCTL_MASK (7U<<4) /**< Test control mask. */ #define DCTL_TCTL(n) ((n)<<4 /**< Test control value. */ #define DCTL_GONSTS (1U<<3) /**< Global OUT NAK status. */ #define DCTL_GINSTS (1U<<2) /**< Global non-periodic IN NAK status. */ #define DCTL_SDIS (1U<<1) /**< Soft disconnect. */ #define DCTL_RWUSIG (1U<<0) /**< Remote wakeup signaling. */ /** @} */ /** * @name DSTS register bit definitions * @{ */ #define DSTS_FNSOF_MASK (0x3FFU<<8) /**< Frame number of the received SOF mask. */ #define DSTS_FNSOF(n) ((n)<<8) /**< Frame number of the received SOF value. */ #define DSTS_EERR (1U<<3) /**< Erratic error. */ #define DSTS_ENUMSPD_MASK (3U<<1) /**< Enumerated speed mask. */ #define DSTS_ENUMSPD_FS_48 (3U<<1) /**< Full speed (PHY clock is running at 48 MHz). */ #define DSTS_SUSPSTS (1U<<0) /**< Suspend status. */ /** @} */ /** * @name DIEPMSK register bit definitions * @{ */ #define DIEPMSK_TXFEM (1U<<6) /**< Transmit FIFO empty mask. */ #define DIEPMSK_INEPNEM (1U<<6) /**< IN endpoint NAK effective mask. */ #define DIEPMSK_ITTXFEMSK (1U<<4) /**< IN token received when TxFIFO empty mask. */ #define DIEPMSK_TOCM (1U<<3) /**< Timeout condition mask. */ #define DIEPMSK_EPDM (1U<<1) /**< Endpoint disabled interrupt mask. */ #define DIEPMSK_XFRCM (1U<<0) /**< Transfer completed interrupt mask. */ /** @} */ /** * @name DOEPMSK register bit definitions * @{ */ #define DOEPMSK_OTEPDM (1U<<4) /**< OUT token received when endpoint disabled mask. */ #define DOEPMSK_STUPM (1U<<3) /**< SETUP phase done mask. */ #define DOEPMSK_EPDM (1U<<1) /**< Endpoint disabled interrupt mask. */ #define DOEPMSK_XFRCM (1U<<0) /**< Transfer completed interrupt mask. */ /** @} */ /** * @name DAINT register bit definitions * @{ */ #define DAINT_OEPINT_MASK (0xFFFFU<<16)/**< OUT endpoint interrupt bits mask. */ #define DAINT_OEPINT(n) ((n)<<16) /**< OUT endpoint interrupt bits value. */ #define DAINT_IEPINT_MASK (0xFFFFU<<0)/**< IN endpoint interrupt bits mask. */ #define DAINT_IEPINT(n) ((n)<<0) /**< IN endpoint interrupt bits value. */ /** @} */ /** * @name DAINTMSK register bit definitions * @{ */ #define DAINTMSK_OEPM_MASK (0xFFFFU<<16)/**< OUT EP interrupt mask bits mask. */ #define DAINTMSK_OEPM(n) (1U<<(16+(n)))/**< OUT EP interrupt mask bits value. */ #define DAINTMSK_IEPM_MASK (0xFFFFU<<0)/**< IN EP interrupt mask bits mask. */ #define DAINTMSK_IEPM(n) (1U<<(n)) /**< IN EP interrupt mask bits value. */ /** @} */ /** * @name DVBUSDIS register bit definitions * @{ */ #define DVBUSDIS_VBUSDT_MASK (0xFFFFU<<0)/**< Device VBUS discharge time mask. */ #define DVBUSDIS_VBUSDT(n) ((n)<<0) /**< Device VBUS discharge time value. */ /** @} */ /** * @name DVBUSPULSE register bit definitions * @{ */ #define DVBUSPULSE_DVBUSP_MASK (0xFFFU<<0) /**< Device VBUSpulsing time mask. */ #define DVBUSPULSE_DVBUSP(n) ((n)<<0) /**< Device VBUS pulsing time value. */ /** @} */ /** * @name DIEPEMPMSK register bit definitions * @{ */ #define DIEPEMPMSK_INEPTXFEM(n) (1U<<(n)) /**< IN EP Tx FIFO empty interrupt mask bit. */ /** @} */ /** * @name DIEPCTL register bit definitions * @{ */ #define DIEPCTL_EPENA (1U<<31) /**< Endpoint enable. */ #define DIEPCTL_EPDIS (1U<<30) /**< Endpoint disable. */ #define DIEPCTL_SD1PID (1U<<29) /**< Set DATA1 PID. */ #define DIEPCTL_SODDFRM (1U<<29) /**< Set odd frame. */ #define DIEPCTL_SD0PID (1U<<28) /**< Set DATA0 PID. */ #define DIEPCTL_SEVNFRM (1U<<28) /**< Set even frame. */ #define DIEPCTL_SNAK (1U<<27) /**< Set NAK. */ #define DIEPCTL_CNAK (1U<<26) /**< Clear NAK. */ #define DIEPCTL_TXFNUM_MASK (15U<<22) /**< TxFIFO number mask. */ #define DIEPCTL_TXFNUM(n) ((n)<<22) /**< TxFIFO number value. */ #define DIEPCTL_STALL (1U<<21) /**< STALL handshake. */ #define DIEPCTL_SNPM (1U<<20) /**< Snoop mode. */ #define DIEPCTL_EPTYP_MASK (3<<18) /**< Endpoint type mask. */ #define DIEPCTL_EPTYP_CTRL (0U<<18) /**< Control. */ #define DIEPCTL_EPTYP_ISO (1U<<18) /**< Isochronous. */ #define DIEPCTL_EPTYP_BULK (2U<<18) /**< Bulk. */ #define DIEPCTL_EPTYP_INTR (3U<<18) /**< Interrupt. */ #define DIEPCTL_NAKSTS (1U<<17) /**< NAK status. */ #define DIEPCTL_EONUM (1U<<16) /**< Even/odd frame. */ #define DIEPCTL_DPID (1U<<16) /**< Endpoint data PID. */ #define DIEPCTL_USBAEP (1U<<15) /**< USB active endpoint. */ #define DIEPCTL_MPSIZ_MASK (0x3FFU<<0) /**< Maximum Packet size mask. */ #define DIEPCTL_MPSIZ(n) ((n)<<0) /**< Maximum Packet size value. */ /** @} */ /** * @name DIEPINT register bit definitions * @{ */ #define DIEPINT_TXFE (1U<<7) /**< Transmit FIFO empty. */ #define DIEPINT_INEPNE (1U<<6) /**< IN endpoint NAK effective. */ #define DIEPINT_ITTXFE (1U<<4) /**< IN Token received when TxFIFO is empty. */ #define DIEPINT_TOC (1U<<3) /**< Timeout condition. */ #define DIEPINT_EPDISD (1U<<1) /**< Endpoint disabled interrupt. */ #define DIEPINT_XFRC (1U<<0) /**< Transfer completed. */ /** @} */ /** * @name DIEPTSIZ register bit definitions * @{ */ #define DIEPTSIZ_MCNT_MASK (3U<<29) /**< Multi count mask. */ #define DIEPTSIZ_MCNT(n) ((n)<<29) /**< Multi count value. */ #define DIEPTSIZ_PKTCNT_MASK (0x3FF<<19) /**< Packet count mask. */ #define DIEPTSIZ_PKTCNT(n) ((n)<<19) /**< Packet count value. */ #define DIEPTSIZ_XFRSIZ_MASK (0x7FFFFU<<0)/**< Transfer size mask. */ #define DIEPTSIZ_XFRSIZ(n) ((n)<<0) /**< Transfer size value. */ /** @} */ /** * @name DTXFSTS register bit definitions. * @{ */ #define DTXFSTS_INEPTFSAV_MASK (0xFFFF<<0) /**< IN endpoint TxFIFO space available. */ /** @} */ /** * @name DOEPCTL register bit definitions. * @{ */ #define DOEPCTL_EPENA (1U<<31) /**< Endpoint enable. */ #define DOEPCTL_EPDIS (1U<<30) /**< Endpoint disable. */ #define DOEPCTL_SD1PID (1U<<29) /**< Set DATA1 PID. */ #define DOEPCTL_SODDFRM (1U<<29) /**< Set odd frame. */ #define DOEPCTL_SD0PID (1U<<28) /**< Set DATA0 PID. */ #define DOEPCTL_SEVNFRM (1U<<28) /**< Set even frame. */ #define DOEPCTL_SNAK (1U<<27) /**< Set NAK. */ #define DOEPCTL_CNAK (1U<<26) /**< Clear NAK. */ #define DOEPCTL_STALL (1U<<21) /**< STALL handshake. */ #define DOEPCTL_SNPM (1U<<20) /**< Snoop mode. */ #define DOEPCTL_EPTYP_MASK (3U<<18) /**< Endpoint type mask. */ #define DOEPCTL_EPTYP_CTRL (0U<<18) /**< Control. */ #define DOEPCTL_EPTYP_ISO (1U<<18) /**< Isochronous. */ #define DOEPCTL_EPTYP_BULK (2U<<18) /**< Bulk. */ #define DOEPCTL_EPTYP_INTR (3U<<18) /**< Interrupt. */ #define DOEPCTL_NAKSTS (1U<<17) /**< NAK status. */ #define DOEPCTL_EONUM (1U<<16) /**< Even/odd frame. */ #define DOEPCTL_DPID (1U<<16) /**< Endpoint data PID. */ #define DOEPCTL_USBAEP (1U<<15) /**< USB active endpoint. */ #define DOEPCTL_MPSIZ_MASK (0x3FFU<<0) /**< Maximum Packet size mask. */ #define DOEPCTL_MPSIZ(n) ((n)<<0) /**< Maximum Packet size value. */ /** @} */ /** * @name DOEPINT register bit definitions * @{ */ #define DOEPINT_B2BSTUP (1U<<6) /**< Back-to-back SETUP packets received. */ #define DOEPINT_OTEPDIS (1U<<4) /**< OUT token received when endpoint disabled. */ #define DOEPINT_STUP (1U<<3) /**< SETUP phase done. */ #define DOEPINT_EPDISD (1U<<1) /**< Endpoint disabled interrupt. */ #define DOEPINT_XFRC (1U<<0) /**< Transfer completed interrupt. */ /** @} */ /** * @name DOEPTSIZ register bit definitions * @{ */ #define DOEPTSIZ_RXDPID_MASK (3U<<29) /**< Received data PID mask. */ #define DOEPTSIZ_RXDPID(n) ((n)<<29) /**< Received data PID value. */ #define DOEPTSIZ_STUPCNT_MASK (3U<<29) /**< SETUP packet count mask. */ #define DOEPTSIZ_STUPCNT(n) ((n)<<29) /**< SETUP packet count value. */ #define DOEPTSIZ_PKTCNT_MASK (0x3FFU<<19)/**< Packet count mask. */ #define DOEPTSIZ_PKTCNT(n) ((n)<<19) /**< Packet count value. */ #define DOEPTSIZ_XFRSIZ_MASK (0x7FFFFU<<0)/**< Transfer size mask. */ #define DOEPTSIZ_XFRSIZ(n) ((n)<<0) /**< Transfer size value. */ /** @} */ /** * @name PCGCCTL register bit definitions * @{ */ #define PCGCCTL_PHYSUSP (1U<<4) /**< PHY Suspended. */ #define PCGCCTL_GATEHCLK (1U<<1) /**< Gate HCLK. */ #define PCGCCTL_STPPCLK (1U<<0) /**< Stop PCLK. */ /** @} */ /** * @brief OTG_FS registers block memory address. */ #define OTG_FS_ADDR 0x50000000 /** * @brief OTG_HS registers block memory address. */ #define OTG_HS_ADDR 0x40040000 /** * @brief Accesses to the OTG_FS registers block. */ #define OTG_FS ((stm32_otg_t *)OTG_FS_ADDR) /** * @brief Accesses to the OTG_HS registers block. */ #define OTG_HS ((stm32_otg_t *)OTG_HS_ADDR) #endif /* _STM32_OTG_H_ */ /** @} */