    ChibiOS/RT - Copyright (C) 2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,
                 2011 Giovanni Di Sirio.

    This file is part of ChibiOS/RT.

    ChibiOS/RT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    ChibiOS/RT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 * @file    adc.h
 * @brief   ADC Driver macros and structures.
 * @addtogroup ADC
 * @{

#ifndef _ADC_H_
#define _ADC_H_

#if HAL_USE_ADC || defined(__DOXYGEN__)

/* Driver constants.                                                         */

/* Driver pre-compile time settings.                                         */

 * @name    ADC configuration options
 * @{
 * @brief   Enables synchronous APIs.
 * @note    Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
#if !defined(ADC_USE_WAIT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
#define ADC_USE_WAIT                TRUE

 * @brief   Enables the @p adcAcquireBus() and @p adcReleaseBus() APIs.
 * @note    Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
#if !defined(ADC_USE_MUTUAL_EXCLUSION) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
/** @} */

/* Derived constants and error checks.                                       */

#error "ADC driver requires CH_USE_SEMAPHORES when ADC_USE_WAIT is enabled"

/* Driver data structures and types.                                         */

 * @brief   Driver state machine possible states.
typedef enum {
  ADC_UNINIT = 0,                           /**< Not initialized.           */
  ADC_STOP = 1,                             /**< Stopped.                   */
  ADC_READY = 2,                            /**< Ready.                     */
  ADC_ACTIVE = 3,                           /**< Converting.                */
  ADC_COMPLETE = 4                          /**< Conversion complete.       */
} adcstate_t;

#include "adc_lld.h"

/* Driver macros.                                                            */

 * @name    Low Level driver helper macros
 * @{
#if ADC_USE_WAIT || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
 * @brief   Resumes a thread waiting for a conversion completion.
 * @param[in] adcp      pointer to the @p ADCDriver object
 * @notapi
#define _adc_reset_i(adcp) {                                                \
  if ((adcp)->thread != NULL) {                                             \
    Thread *tp = (adcp)->thread;                                            \
    (adcp)->thread = NULL;                                                  \
    tp->p_u.rdymsg  = RDY_RESET;                                            \
    chSchReadyI(tp);                                                        \
  }                                                                         \

 * @brief   Resumes a thread waiting for a conversion completion.
 * @param[in] adcp      pointer to the @p ADCDriver object
 * @notapi
#define _adc_reset_s(adcp) {                                                \
  if ((adcp)->thread != NULL) {                                             \
    Thread *tp = (adcp)->thread;                                            \
    (adcp)->thread = NULL;                                                  \
    chSchWakeupS(tp, RDY_RESET);                                            \
  }                                                                         \

 * @brief   Wakes up the waiting thread.
 * @param[in] adcp      pointer to the @p ADCDriver object
 * @notapi
#define _adc_wakeup_isr(adcp) {                                             \
  if ((adcp)->thread != NULL) {                                             \
    Thread *tp;                                                             \
    chSysLockFromIsr();                                                     \
    tp = (adcp)->thread;                                                    \
    (adcp)->thread = NULL;                                                  \
    tp->p_u.rdymsg = RDY_OK;                                                \
    chSchReadyI(tp);                                                        \
    chSysUnlockFromIsr();                                                   \
  }                                                                         \

#else /* !ADC_USE_WAIT */
#define _adc_reset_i(adcp)
#define _adc_reset_s(adcp)
#define _adc_wakeup_isr(adcp)
#endif /* !ADC_USE_WAIT */

 * @brief   Common ISR code, half buffer event.
 * @details This code handles the portable part of the ISR code:
 *          - Callback invocation.
 *          .
 * @note    This macro is meant to be used in the low level drivers
 *          implementation only.
 * @param[in] adcp      pointer to the @p ADCDriver object
 * @notapi
#define _adc_isr_half_code(adcp) {                                          \
  if ((adcp)->grpp->end_cb != NULL) {                                       \
    (adcp)->grpp->end_cb(adcp, (adcp)->samples, (adcp)->depth / 2);         \
  }                                                                         \

 * @brief   Common ISR code, full buffer event.
 * @details This code handles the portable part of the ISR code:
 *          - Callback invocation.
 *          - Waiting thread wakeup, if any.
 *          - Driver state transitions.
 *          .
 * @note    This macro is meant to be used in the low level drivers
 *          implementation only.
 * @param[in] adcp      pointer to the @p ADCDriver object
 * @notapi
#define _adc_isr_full_code(adcp) {                                          \
  if ((adcp)->grpp->circular) {                                             \
    /* Callback handling.*/                                                 \
    if ((adcp)->grpp->end_cb != NULL) {                                     \
      if ((adcp)->depth > 1) {                                              \
        /* Invokes the callback passing the 2nd half of the buffer.*/       \
        size_t half = (adcp)->depth / 2;                                    \
        (adcp)->grpp->end_cb(adcp, (adcp)->samples + half, half);           \
      }                                                                     \
      else {                                                                \
        /* Invokes the callback passing the whole buffer.*/                 \
        (adcp)->grpp->end_cb(adcp, (adcp)->samples, (adcp)->depth);         \
      }                                                                     \
    }                                                                       \
  }                                                                         \
  else {                                                                    \
    /* End conversion.*/                                                    \
    adc_lld_stop_conversion(adcp);                                          \
    if ((adcp)->grpp->end_cb != NULL) {                                     \
      (adcp)->state = ADC_COMPLETE;                                         \
      if ((adcp)->depth > 1) {                                              \
        /* Invokes the callback passing the 2nd half of the buffer.*/       \
        size_t half = (adcp)->depth / 2;                                    \
        (adcp)->grpp->end_cb(adcp, (adcp)->samples + half, half);           \
      }                                                                     \
      else {                                                                \
        /* Invokes the callback passing the whole buffer.*/                 \
        (adcp)->grpp->end_cb(adcp, (adcp)->samples, (adcp)->depth);         \
      }                                                                     \
      if ((adcp)->state == ADC_COMPLETE)                                    \
        (adcp)->state = ADC_READY;                                          \
    }                                                                       \
    else                                                                    \
      (adcp)->state = ADC_READY;                                            \
    (adcp)->grpp = NULL;                                                    \
    _adc_wakeup_isr(adcp);                                                  \
  }                                                                         \
/** @} */

/* External declarations.                                                    */

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
  void adcInit(void);
  void adcObjectInit(ADCDriver *adcp);
  void adcStart(ADCDriver *adcp, const ADCConfig *config);
  void adcStop(ADCDriver *adcp);
  void adcStartConversion(ADCDriver *adcp,
                           const ADCConversionGroup *grpp,
                           adcsample_t *samples,
                           size_t depth);
  void adcStartConversionI(ADCDriver *adcp,
                            const ADCConversionGroup *grpp,
                            adcsample_t *samples,
                            size_t depth);
  void adcStopConversion(ADCDriver *adcp);
  void adcStopConversionI(ADCDriver *adcp);
  msg_t adcConvert(ADCDriver *adcp,
                   const ADCConversionGroup *grpp,
                   adcsample_t *samples,
                   size_t depth);
  void adcAcquireBus(ADCDriver *adcp);
  void adcReleaseBus(ADCDriver *adcp);
#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* HAL_USE_ADC */

#endif /* _ADC_H_ */

/** @} */