ChibiOS/RT - Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Giovanni Di Sirio.
This file is part of ChibiOS/RT.
ChibiOS/RT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
ChibiOS/RT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
* @page article_portguide Porting ChibiOS/RT for Dummies
* Porting the operating system on a new platform is one of the most common
* tasks. The difficulty can range from easy to very difficult depending
* on several factors.
* We can divide in problem in several classes of progressively increasing
* difficulty:
* - @ref port_board
* - @ref port_family
* - @ref port_chip
* - @ref port_core
* .
* Another kind of port type is porting to another compiler and this is an
* added complexity level on the above classes. The kernel itself is portable
* but the port-specific code usually contains compiler specific extensions to
* the C language and the asm files syntax is almost never compatible.
* @section port_board Porting the OS to a new board
* This is the easiest port type, the scenario is that the specific
* microcontroller is already supported and a demo exists. This scenario also
* applies when porting the OS on a custom hardware using a supported
* microcontroller. This task can be easily performed with the following
* steps:
* -# Create a new directory under the ChibiOS/RT installation directory:
* ./projects/@
* -# Copy the microcontroller demo code under the newly created directory.
* -# Customize the demo. Usually there are only four files that need to
* be modified:
* - @p board.h This file contains the I/O pins setup for the uC, it
* may also contain other board-dependent settings, as example, clock and
* PLL settings. Customize this file depending on your target hardware.
* - @p board.c This file contains the initialization code, it is possible
* you just need to customize @p board.h and not this file. If you have
* some hardware specific initialization code then put it here.
* - @p Makefile You may edit this file in order to remove the test related
* sources and/or add you application source files.
* - @p main.c It contains the demo simple code, clean it and write your
* own @p main() function here, use this file just as a template.
* -# Compile your application and debug.
* .
* @section port_family Porting the OS to a closely related microcontroller
* In this scenario all the above steps are required but an analysis must
* be performed to evaluate the differences between from the supported micro
* and the target micro. Often the micros just differ for the memory area
* sizes and a change to the linker script is enough (the file is usually
* named @p ch.ld). Chips having more or less peripherals, everything else
* being the same or compatible are not a problem also as long the timer and
* the serial peripherals used by the port do not change.
* If there are differences in the internal peripherals, as example non
* compatible interrupt controllers (this happens in the LPC2000 family)
* or differences in UARTS, timers etc then the port falls in the following
* category.
* @section port_chip Porting the OS to another microcontroller using the same core
* This kind of port is required when a target microcontroller has the same
* core (a common example: ARM7) of a supported microcontroller but has
* differences in the internal peripherals.
* If this is your case proceed as follow:
* -# Create a new directory under @p ./os/io/platforms
* name it with the microcontroller name (or family name).
* In case of the ARM-based microcontroller you also need to create a
* equally named directory under
* @p ./os/ports/@/@
* put there the microcontroller related files such as the vectors table,
* see the existing ports as example.
* -# Copy into the newly created directory the most closely related existing
* chip port or the naked template files from
* @p ./os/io/templates
* -# Work out the differences in the drivers or implement them if you started
* from the templates.
* -# Edit/create the documentation file @p platform.dox
, this
* is required if you want to regenerate this documentation including
* your work.
* .
* Usually this kind of port just requires a serial driver (and those are very
* similar each other) and some code for the interrupt controller (this one
* can be part of the core port, as example the Cortex-M3 has this as standard
* part of the core).
* When the chip port is completed created your application as seen in the
* previous sections.
* @section port_core Porting the OS to a whole new architecture
* This is the hardest scenario, the time required by core ports depends
* strongly by the target architecture complexity and the level of support you
* need for the architecture specific features.
* As a reference, the MSP430 port took me 2 hours and it worked at the first
* run, it can be a reference for simple architectures, the ARM Cortex-M3 was
* painful instead, the architecture enforces you to implement things in a very
* specific way and I spent 2 week to go through all the documentation and
* figure out the correct way to implement the port (you can see that the
* preemption context switch is done in a very peculiar way because the
* exceptions architecture).
* One thing is sure, port an OS to a new architecture is not an easy task and
* if you have the required experience for such an effort then probably you
* don't need any advice from me. Just follow the directory patterns and fill
* the OS template files, the hardest part is decide the correct and efficient
* way to implement the context switching.