/* ChibiOS/RT - Copyright (C) 2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 Giovanni Di Sirio. This file is part of ChibiOS/RT. ChibiOS/RT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ChibiOS/RT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * @page article_eclipse Setting up a free embedded IDE * @brief Free advanced embedded IDE for ChibiOS/RT. * details This article will explain how to setup a free toolchain for use with * ChibiOS/RT and general embedded development.
* The guide is meant mainly for Windows users but notes about Linux and * MAC OSX are present where the setup differs, mostly the toolchain is * exactly the same. * *

What this guide does not cover

* We will not enter in details of common system tasks like and not limited to: * - Installing applications (unless a special procedure is required). * - Creating desktop shortcuts. * - Adding paths to the PATH variable. * - Creating environment variables. * - Any other normal PC usage task. * - Use of the toolchain, the use is covered by the @ref article_eclipse2 * article. * . * *

Article Index

* - @ref required_components * - @ref install_chibios * - @ref install_compiler * - @ref install_eclipse * - @ref install_zylin * - @ref install_openocd * - @ref install_doxygen * - @ref install_graphviz * - @ref install_eclox * . * * @section required_components Required Components * The first thing to do is to download all the required components, beginners * should avoid the optional components initially: * - A JTAG probe supporting GDB and OpenOCD, a list of compatible devices is * available on the * OpenOCD home page, more exactly * here. * - * ChibiOS/RT latest stable release. * - Java runtime, you * probably already have this installed. * - Eclipse IDE * for C/C++ Developers * - YAGARTO ARM toolchain * for Windows, note that you need both the compiler and the tools (make * and binutils). * - Zylin plugin for on-board debugging, see @ref install_zylin section. * - OpenOCD binaries for Windows, YAGARTO does not provide those anymore but * you can download them from here. Linux users can try * here. * - Optional, MinGW compiler, needed if you want to compile, debug * and run the simulator from within Eclipse. Linux users do not need this * one because all Linux distributions include the native GCC. * - Optional, Doxygen, it is only required if you want to * generate documentation from source files. * - Optional, * Graphwiz, it is only required if you want to generate diagrams * within documentation from source files. * - Optional, * Eclox, it is only required if you want to generate documentation * from source files from within Eclipse. * . * * @section install_chibios ChibiOS/RT Installation * Just unzip it into a directory in your home folder, Windows users may * consider c:@\projects@\chibios. It is strongly suggested to not put version * numbers into the ChibiOS/RT directory name because Eclipse workspaces * have absolute paths inside and you don't want to setup everything again * each time a new ChibiOS/RT version is released, use plain "chibios". * * @section install_compiler GCC ARM Compiler Installation * Simply follow the YAGARTO installation guide. Linux/MACOS users have several * other options: * - Download the latest CodeSourcery free Linux package. * - Build it yourself, Liam recommended a build script * * here, it looks interesting. * . * Make sure that the compiler binaries directory is listed in the PATH * variable or Eclipse would not be able to locate it. * * @section install_eclipse Eclipse Installation * Eclipse is distributed into a compressed archive, there is no installation * procedure: * - Verify if you have Java installed, if not install the runtime. You may * verify this using the command: "java -version". Make sure you have at * least version 1.6. * - Create an eclipse directory in your home and unpack the archive there. * Windows users may unpack it into c:@\program files@\eclipse. * - Create a desktop shortcut or other way to launch the Eclipse executable * easily. * - Launch Eclipse. * - Eclipse will ask you a directory for its initial workspace, make it point * to the ChibiOS/RT root directory (you may have as many workspaces you * want, keep this for later), make sure to select the check box or it will * ask you again each time. *

* @image html tool001.jpg *
* - Now you should see the welcome screen, close it and you will be in the * normal C/C++ perspective. * - Unselect "Project->Build Automatically" unless you like insanity. * - Disable the "usage collector" in * "Window->Preferences->Usage_Data_Collector" by unselecting "Enable * capture". * - If you are behind a proxy or firewall (corporate users usually are) * configure the correct parameters in * "Window->Preferences->General->Network_Connections". * - Let Eclipse auto update to the latest version "Help->Check_for_Updates". * . * * @section install_zylin Zylin Plugin Installation * Eclipse requires an hardware debugger component in order to perform on board * execution and debug. * - Open Eclipse, then "Help->Install_New_Software...". * - Press the "Add..." button and put http://opensource.zylin.com/zylincdt * into the location field, then press OK. The Zylin plugin will appear in the * available plugins view, select and install it. *

* @image html tool002.jpg * . * * @section install_openocd OpenOCD Installation * Windows users just have to use the installer. Linux user should follow the * normal installation procedure for deb or rpm packages, of course it is also * possible to build it from the source code. * * @section install_doxygen Doxygen Installation * Just use the installer, Linux users probably have Doxygen already available * from the repositories. Make sure that the Doxygen binaries directory * is listed in the PATH variable or Eclipse would not be able to locate it. * * @section install_graphviz Graphviz Installation * Just use the installer, Linux users probably have Graphviz already available * from the repositories. Make sure that the Graphviz binaries directory * is listed in the PATH variable or Doxygen would not be able to locate it. * * @section install_eclox Eclox Installation * Use the same installation steps used for the Zylin plugin except use * http://download.gna.org/eclox/update as URL. Install "Eclox" not "Eclox * Hot". * After installing Eclox you will be able to compile Doxygen documentation * using the button with the blue @@ inside. */