#include #include #undef CDECL #include static LARGE_INTEGER nextcnt; static LARGE_INTEGER slice; void InitSimCom1(void); void InitSimCom2(void); BOOL Com1ConnInterruptSimCom(void); BOOL Com2ConnInterruptSimCom(void); BOOL Com1InInterruptSimCom(void); BOOL Com2InInterruptSimCom(void); BOOL Com1OutInterruptSimCom(void); BOOL Com2OutInterruptSimCom(void); /* * Simulated HW initialization. */ void InitCore(void) { WSADATA wsaData; // Initialization. if (WSAStartup(2, &wsaData) != 0) { printf("Unable to locate a winsock DLL\n"); exit(1); } printf("Win32 ChibiOS/RT simulator\n\n"); printf("Thread structure %d bytes\n", sizeof(Thread)); if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency(&slice)) { printf("QueryPerformanceFrequency() error"); exit(1); } printf("Core Frequency %u Hz\n", slice.LowPart); slice.QuadPart /= CH_FREQUENCY; QueryPerformanceCounter(&nextcnt); nextcnt.QuadPart += slice.QuadPart; InitSimCom1(); InitSimCom2(); } /* * Interrupt simulation. */ static void ChkIntSources(void) { LARGE_INTEGER n; if (Com1InInterruptSimCom() || Com2InInterruptSimCom() || Com1OutInterruptSimCom() || Com2OutInterruptSimCom() || Com1ConnInterruptSimCom() || Com2ConnInterruptSimCom()) { if (chSchRescRequiredI()) chSchDoRescheduleI(); return; } // Interrupt Timer simulation (10ms interval). QueryPerformanceCounter(&n); if (n.QuadPart > nextcnt.QuadPart) { nextcnt.QuadPart += slice.QuadPart; chSchTimerHandlerI(); if (chSchRescRequiredI()) chSchDoRescheduleI(); } } void __fastcall chSysPause(void) { chThdSetPriority(IDLEPRIO); while (TRUE) { ChkIntSources(); Sleep(0); } } __declspec(naked) void __fastcall chSysHalt(void) { exit(2); } __declspec(naked) void __fastcall chSysSwitchI(Context *oldp, Context *newp) { __asm { // Switch out code push ebp push esi push edi push ebx mov dword ptr [ecx],esp // Switch in code mov esp,[edx] pop ebx pop edi pop esi pop ebp ret } } __declspec(naked) void __fastcall threadexit(void) { __asm { // add esp,4 ; The thread parameter push eax ; The exit code returned by the thread call chThdExit add esp,4 call chSysHalt ; Should *never* happen } }