***************************************************************************** ** ChibiOS/RT port for Texas Instruments MSP430X. ** ***************************************************************************** ** TARGET ** The demo runs on an customized MSP430-F5437 board with a 32768kHz XTAL1 installed. DCOCLK (=MCLK, =SMCLK) is set up to 20Mhz. From mcuconf.h: #define MSP430_USE_CLOCK MSP430_CLOCK_SOURCE_DCOCLK UART0 (38400/8N1) ist used for printing some board information. ** The Demo ** The demo runs first some tests, just to check port correctness. Meanwhile, green led light. After that the board red and green leds will flash in the cycle of ~0.5 and ~1.5 seconds respectively. ** Build Procedure ** The demo was built using the a) IAR for MSP430 5.10.1 ( toolchain; b) GCC version 4.6.3 20120301 (mspgcc LTS 20120406 unpatched). *** Notes *** On porting to an another MSP430X-MCU remember to check your linker settings for __heap_base__ and __heap_end__ symbols (or redefine these in asmdefines.s43).