From cd2beca38c5a44b7a2cfbae68fa7e157e6986c39 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Giovanni Di Sirio <>
Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2016 15:32:09 +0000
Subject: git-svn-id: svn://

 test/nasa_osal/test_sequence_001.c | 453 -------------------------------------
 test/nasa_osal/test_sequence_001.h |  22 --
 2 files changed, 475 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 test/nasa_osal/test_sequence_001.c
 delete mode 100644 test/nasa_osal/test_sequence_001.h

diff --git a/test/nasa_osal/test_sequence_001.c b/test/nasa_osal/test_sequence_001.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e4063289..000000000
--- a/test/nasa_osal/test_sequence_001.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,453 +0,0 @@
-    ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2006..2015 Giovanni Di Sirio
-    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-    You may obtain a copy of the License at
-    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-    limitations under the License.
-#include "hal.h"
-#include "ch.h"
-#include "osapi.h"
-#include "ch_test.h"
- * @page test_sequence_001 Threads Functionality
- *
- * File: @ref test_sequence_001.c
- *
- * <h2>Description</h2>
- * This sequence tests the NASA OSAL over ChibiOS/RT functionalities related
- * to threading.
- *
- * <h2>Test Cases</h2>
- * - @subpage test_001_001
- * .
- */
- * Shared code.
- ****************************************************************************/
-static void test_thread1(void) {
-  test_emit_token('A');
-static void test_thread2(void) {
-  test_emit_token('B');
-static void test_thread3(void) {
-  test_emit_token('C');
-static void test_thread4(void) {
-  test_emit_token('D');
- * Test cases.
- ****************************************************************************/
-#if TRUE || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
- * @page test_001_001 OS_TaskCreate() errors
- *
- * <h2>Description</h2>
- * Parameters checking in OS_TaskCreate() is tested.
- *
- * <h2>Conditions</h2>
- * None.
- *
- * <h2>Test Steps</h2>
- * - Testing NULL task_id.
- * - Testing NULL task_name.
- * - Testing NULL stack_pointer.
- * - Testing long task name.
- * - Testing priority limits.
- * - Testing insufficient stack size.
- * - Testing task name or task stack conflict.
- * .
- */
-static void test_001_001_execute(void) {
-  /* Testing NULL task_id.*/
-  test_set_step(1);
-  {
-    int32 err;
-    err = OS_TaskCreate(NULL,                   /* Error.*/
-                        "failing thread",
-                        test_thread1,
-                        (uint32 *)wa_test1,
-                        sizeof wa_test1,
-                        TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY,
-                        0);
-    test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_POINTER, "NULL not detected");
-    test_assert_sequence("", "task executed");
-  }
-  /* Testing NULL task_name.*/
-  test_set_step(2);
-  {
-    int32 err;
-    uint32 tid;
-    err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid,
-                        NULL,                   /* Error.*/
-                        test_thread1,
-                        (uint32 *)wa_test1,
-                        sizeof wa_test1,
-                        TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY,
-                        0);
-    test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_POINTER, "NULL not detected");
-    test_assert_sequence("", "task executed");
-  }
-  /* Testing NULL stack_pointer.*/
-  test_set_step(3);
-  {
-    int32 err;
-    uint32 tid;
-    err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid,
-                        "failing thread",
-                        test_thread1,
-                        (uint32 *)NULL,         /* Error.*/
-                        sizeof wa_test1,
-                        TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY,
-                        0);
-    test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_POINTER, "NULL not detected");
-    test_assert_sequence("", "task executed");
-  }
-  /* Testing long task name.*/
-  test_set_step(4);
-  {
-    int32 err;
-    uint32 tid;
-    err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid,
-                        "this is a very very long task name", /* Error.*/
-                        test_thread1,
-                        (uint32 *)wa_test1,
-                        sizeof wa_test1,
-                        TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY,
-                        0);
-    test_assert(err == OS_ERR_NAME_TOO_LONG, "name limit not detected");
-    test_assert_sequence("", "task executed");
-  }
-  /* Testing priority limits.*/
-  test_set_step(5);
-  {
-    int32 err;
-    uint32 tid;
-    err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid,
-                        "failing thread",
-                        test_thread1,
-                        (uint32 *)wa_test1,
-                        sizeof wa_test1,
-                        0,                      /* Error.*/
-                        0);
-    test_assert(err == OS_ERR_INVALID_PRIORITY, "priority error not detected");
-    test_assert_sequence("", "task executed");
-    err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid,
-                       "failing thread",
-                       test_thread1,
-                       (uint32 *)wa_test1,
-                       sizeof wa_test1,
-                       256,                     /* Error.*/
-                       0);
-    test_assert(err == OS_ERR_INVALID_PRIORITY, "priority error not detected");
-    test_assert_sequence("", "task executed");
-  }
-  /* Testing insufficient stack size.*/
-  test_set_step(6);
-  {
-    int32 err;
-    uint32 tid;
-    err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid,
-                        "failing thread",
-                        test_thread1,
-                        (uint32 *)wa_test1,
-                        16,                     /* Error.*/
-                        TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY,
-                        0);
-    test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_INT_NUM, "stack insufficient size not detected");
-    test_assert_sequence("", "task executed");
-  }
-  /* Testing task name or task stack conflict.*/
-  test_set_step(7);
-  {
-    int32 err;
-    uint32 tid;
-    err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid,
-                        "running thread",
-                        test_thread1,
-                        (uint32 *)wa_test1,
-                        sizeof wa_test1,
-                        TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY,
-                        0);
-    test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task creation failed");
-    err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid,
-                        "running thread",
-                        test_thread2,
-                        (uint32 *)wa_test2,
-                        sizeof wa_test2,
-                        TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY,
-                        0);
-    test_assert(err == OS_ERR_NAME_TAKEN, "name conflict not detected");
-    err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid,
-                        "another running thread",
-                        test_thread1,
-                        (uint32 *)wa_test1,
-                        sizeof wa_test1,
-                        TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY,
-                        0);
-    test_assert(err == OS_ERR_NO_FREE_IDS, "stack conflict not detected");
-    OS_TaskDelay(5);
-    test_assert_sequence("A", "task not executed");
-    err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid,
-                        "running thread",
-                        test_thread1,
-                        (uint32 *)wa_test1,
-                        sizeof wa_test1,
-                        TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY,
-                        0);
-    test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task creation failed");
-    OS_TaskDelay(5);
-    test_assert_sequence("A", "task not executed");
-  }
-static const testcase_t test_001_001 = {
-  "OS_TaskCreate() errors",
-  NULL,
-  NULL,
-  test_001_001_execute
-#endif /* TRUE */
-#if TRUE || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
- * @page test_001_001 OS_TaskCreate() priority ordering
- *
- * <h2>Description</h2>
- * Four tasks are created at different priorities and in different orders
- * then their execution order is tested.
- *
- * <h2>Conditions</h2>
- * None.
- *
- * <h2>Test Steps</h2>
- * - Tasks are created in priority order from low to high.
- * - Tasks are made runnable atomically and their execution order tested.
- * - Tasks are created in priority order from high to low.
- * - Tasks are made runnable atomically and their execution order tested.
- * - Tasks are created in an not ordered way.
- * - Tasks are made runnable atomically and their execution order tested.
- * .
- */
-static void test_001_002_execute(void) {
-  /* Tasks are created in priority order from low to high.*/
-  test_set_step(1);
-  {
-    int32 err;
-    uint32 tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4;
-    err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid4,
-                        "running thread 4",
-                        test_thread4,
-                        (uint32 *)wa_test4,
-                        sizeof wa_test4,
-                        TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY - 0,
-                        0);
-    test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task 4 creation failed");
-    err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid3,
-                        "running thread 3",
-                        test_thread3,
-                        (uint32 *)wa_test3,
-                        sizeof wa_test3,
-                        TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY - 1,
-                        0);
-    test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task 3 creation failed");
-    err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid2,
-                        "running thread 2",
-                        test_thread2,
-                        (uint32 *)wa_test2,
-                        sizeof wa_test2,
-                        TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY - 2,
-                        0);
-    test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task 2 creation failed");
-    err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid1,
-                        "running thread 1",
-                        test_thread1,
-                        (uint32 *)wa_test1,
-                        sizeof wa_test1,
-                        TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY - 3,
-                        0);
-    test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task 1 creation failed");
-  }
-  /* Tasks are made runnable atomically and their execution order tested.*/
-  test_set_step(2);
-  {
-    OS_TaskDelay(5);
-    test_assert_sequence("ABCD", "task order violation");
-  }
-  /* Tasks are created in priority order from high to low.*/
-  test_set_step(3);
-  {
-    int32 err;
-    uint32 tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4;
-    err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid1,
-                        "running thread 1",
-                        test_thread1,
-                        (uint32 *)wa_test1,
-                        sizeof wa_test1,
-                        TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY - 3,
-                        0);
-    test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task 1 creation failed");
-    err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid2,
-                        "running thread 2",
-                        test_thread2,
-                        (uint32 *)wa_test2,
-                        sizeof wa_test2,
-                        TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY - 2,
-                        0);
-    test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task 2 creation failed");
-    err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid3,
-                        "running thread 3",
-                        test_thread3,
-                        (uint32 *)wa_test3,
-                        sizeof wa_test3,
-                        TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY - 1,
-                        0);
-    test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task 3 creation failed");
-    err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid4,
-                        "running thread 4",
-                        test_thread4,
-                        (uint32 *)wa_test4,
-                        sizeof wa_test4,
-                        TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY - 0,
-                        0);
-    test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task 4 creation failed");
-  }
-  /* Tasks are made runnable atomically and their execution order tested.*/
-  test_set_step(4);
-  {
-    OS_TaskDelay(5);
-    test_assert_sequence("ABCD", "task order violation");
-  }
-  /* Tasks are created in an not ordered way.*/
-  test_set_step(5);
-  {
-    int32 err;
-    uint32 tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4;
-    err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid2,
-                        "running thread 2",
-                        test_thread2,
-                        (uint32 *)wa_test2,
-                        sizeof wa_test2,
-                        TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY - 2,
-                        0);
-    test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task 2 creation failed");
-    err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid1,
-                        "running thread 1",
-                        test_thread1,
-                        (uint32 *)wa_test1,
-                        sizeof wa_test1,
-                        TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY - 3,
-                        0);
-    test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task 1 creation failed");
-    err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid4,
-                        "running thread 4",
-                        test_thread4,
-                        (uint32 *)wa_test4,
-                        sizeof wa_test4,
-                        TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY - 0,
-                        0);
-    test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task 4 creation failed");
-    err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid3,
-                        "running thread 3",
-                        test_thread3,
-                        (uint32 *)wa_test3,
-                        sizeof wa_test3,
-                        TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY - 1,
-                        0);
-    test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task 3 creation failed");
-  }
-  /* Tasks are made runnable atomically and their execution order tested.*/
-  test_set_step(6);
-  {
-    OS_TaskDelay(5);
-    test_assert_sequence("ABCD", "task order violation");
-  }
-static const testcase_t test_001_002 = {
-  "OS_TaskCreate() priority ordering",
-  NULL,
-  NULL,
-  test_001_002_execute
-#endif /* TRUE */
- * Exported data.
- ****************************************************************************/
- * @brief   Sequence brief description.
- */
-const testcase_t * const test_sequence_001[] = {
-#if TRUE || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
-  &test_001_001,
-#if TRUE || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
-  &test_001_002,
diff --git a/test/nasa_osal/test_sequence_001.h b/test/nasa_osal/test_sequence_001.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 91c2181d0..000000000
--- a/test/nasa_osal/test_sequence_001.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-    ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2006..2015 Giovanni Di Sirio
-    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-    You may obtain a copy of the License at
-    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-    limitations under the License.
-#ifndef _TEST_SEQUENCE_001_H_
-#define _TEST_SEQUENCE_001_H_
-extern const testcase_t * const test_sequence_001[];
-#endif /* _TEST_SEQUENCE_001_H_ */
cgit v1.2.3