/* MCP9808 for ChibiOS/RT - Copyright (C) 2016 Stephane D'Alu Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #define I2C_HELPERS_AUTOMATIC_DRV TRUE #include "hal.h" #include "i2c_helpers.h" #include "mcp9808.h" // http://www.mouser.com/ds/2/268/25095A-15487.pdf // http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/25095A.pdf /*===========================================================================*/ /* Driver local definitions. */ /*===========================================================================*/ /* I2C Register */ #define MCP9808_REG_CONFIG 0x01 #define MCP9808_REG_UPPER_TEMP 0x02 #define MCP9808_REG_LOWER_TEMP 0x03 #define MCP9808_REG_CRIT_TEMP 0x04 #define MCP9808_REG_AMBIENT_TEMP 0x05 #define MCP9808_REG_MANUF_ID 0x06 #define MCP9808_REG_DEVICE_ID 0x07 #define MCP9808_REG_RESOLUTION 0x08 /* Config */ #define MCP9808_REG_CONFIG_SHUTDOWN 0x0100 #define MCP9808_REG_CONFIG_CRITLOCKED 0x0080 #define MCP9808_REG_CONFIG_WINLOCKED 0x0040 #define MCP9808_REG_CONFIG_INTCLR 0x0020 #define MCP9808_REG_CONFIG_ALERTSTAT 0x0010 #define MCP9808_REG_CONFIG_ALERTCTRL 0x0008 #define MCP9808_REG_CONFIG_ALERTSEL 0x0002 #define MCP9808_REG_CONFIG_ALERTPOL 0x0002 #define MCP9808_REG_CONFIG_ALERTMODE 0x0001 /* Device Id */ #define MCP9808_MANUF_ID 0x0054 #define MCP9808_DEVICE_ID 0x0400 /* Resolution */ #define MCP9808_RES_2 0x00 /* 1/2 = 0.5 */ #define MCP9808_RES_4 0x01 /* 1/4 = 0.25 */ #define MCP9808_RES_8 0x10 /* 1/8 = 0.125 */ #define MCP9808_RES_16 0x11 /* 1/16 = 0.0625 */ /* Time in milli-seconds */ #define MCP9808_DELAY_ACQUIRE_RES_2 30 #define MCP9808_DELAY_ACQUIRE_RES_4 65 #define MCP9808_DELAY_ACQUIRE_RES_8 130 #define MCP9808_DELAY_ACQUIRE_RES_16 250 /*===========================================================================*/ /* Driver exported variables. */ /*===========================================================================*/ /*===========================================================================*/ /* Driver local variables and types. */ /*===========================================================================*/ /*===========================================================================*/ /* Driver local functions. */ /*===========================================================================*/ static inline msg_t _apply_config(MCP9808_drv *drv) { struct __attribute__((packed)) { uint8_t reg; uint16_t conf; } tx = { MCP9808_REG_CONFIG, cpu_to_be16(drv->cfg) }; return i2c_send((uint8_t*)&tx, sizeof(tx)); } static inline msg_t _decode_measure(MCP9808_drv *drv, uint16_t val, float *temperature) { /* Temperature */ if (temperature) { float temp = val & 0x0fff; if (val & 0x1000) temp -= 0x1000; float factor = 16.0F; switch(drv->resolution) { case RES_2 : factor = 2.0F; break; case RES_4 : factor = 4.0F; break; case RES_8 : factor = 8.0F; break; case RES_16: factor = 16.0F; break; } *temperature = temp / factor; } /* Ok */ return MSG_OK; } /*===========================================================================*/ /* Driver exported functions. */ /*===========================================================================*/ void MCP9808_init(MCP9808_drv *drv, MCP9808_config *config) { drv->config = config; drv->cfg = 0; drv->resolution = RES_16; /* power up default */ drv->state = SENSOR_INIT; } msg_t MCP9808_check(MCP9808_drv *drv) { uint16_t manuf, device; msg_t msg; if (((msg = i2c_reg_recv16_be(MCP9808_REG_MANUF_ID, &manuf )) < MSG_OK) || ((msg = i2c_reg_recv16_be(MCP9808_REG_DEVICE_ID, &device)) < MSG_OK)) return msg; if ((manuf != MCP9808_MANUF_ID) || (device != MCP9808_DEVICE_ID)) return SENSOR_NOTFOUND; return MSG_OK; } msg_t MCP9808_setResolution(MCP9808_drv *drv, MCP9808_resolution_t res) { struct __attribute__((packed)) { uint8_t reg; uint8_t resolution; } tx = { MCP9808_REG_RESOLUTION, res }; msg_t msg; if ((msg = i2c_send((uint8_t*)&tx, sizeof(tx))) < MSG_OK) return msg; drv->resolution = res; return MSG_OK; } msg_t MCP9808_start(MCP9808_drv *drv) { drv->cfg &= ~(MCP9808_REG_CONFIG_SHUTDOWN); return _apply_config(drv); } msg_t MCP9808_stop(MCP9808_drv *drv) { drv->cfg |= (MCP9808_REG_CONFIG_SHUTDOWN); return _apply_config(drv); } unsigned int MCP9808_getAcquisitionTime(MCP9808_drv *drv) { switch(drv->resolution) { case RES_2 : return MCP9808_DELAY_ACQUIRE_RES_2; case RES_4 : return MCP9808_DELAY_ACQUIRE_RES_4; case RES_8 : return MCP9808_DELAY_ACQUIRE_RES_8; case RES_16: return MCP9808_DELAY_ACQUIRE_RES_16; } osalDbgAssert(false, "OOPS"); return 0; } msg_t MCP9808_readMeasure(MCP9808_drv *drv, float *temperature) { msg_t msg; uint16_t val; if ((msg = i2c_reg_recv16_be(MCP9808_REG_AMBIENT_TEMP, &val)) < MSG_OK) return msg; return _decode_measure(drv, val, temperature); } msg_t MCP9808_readTemperature(MCP9808_drv *drv, float *temperature) { osalDbgAssert(drv->state == SENSOR_STARTED, "invalid state"); msg_t msg; uint16_t val; if ((msg = i2c_reg_recv16_be(MCP9808_REG_AMBIENT_TEMP, &val)) < MSG_OK) return msg; return _decode_measure(drv, val, temperature); }