#include #include #include "ch.h" #include "hal.h" #include "chprintf.h" #include "shell.h" #include "ch_test.h" #define LED_EXT 14 bool watchdog_started = false; void watchdog_callback(void) { palTogglePad(IOPORT1, LED2); palTogglePad(IOPORT1, LED3); palTogglePad(IOPORT1, LED4); } WDGConfig WDG_config = { .pause_on_sleep = 0, .pause_on_halt = 0, .timeout_ms = 5000, .callback = watchdog_callback, }; void gpt_callback(GPTDriver *gptp) { palTogglePad(IOPORT1, LED2); } /* * GPT configuration * Frequency: 31250Hz (32us period) * Resolution: 16 bits */ static const GPTConfig gpt_config = { .frequency = 31250, .callback = gpt_callback, .resolution = 16, }; /* * Command Random */ #define RANDOM_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 static uint8_t random_buffer[RANDOM_BUFFER_SIZE]; static void cmd_random(BaseSequentialStream *chp, int argc, char *argv[]) { uint16_t size = 16; uint16_t i = 0; uint8_t nl = 0; if (argc > 0) { size = atoi(argv[0]); } if (size > RANDOM_BUFFER_SIZE) { chprintf(chp, "random: maximum size is %d.\r\n", RANDOM_BUFFER_SIZE); return; } chprintf(chp, "Fetching %d random byte(s):\r\n", size); rngStart(&RNGD1, NULL); rngWrite(&RNGD1, random_buffer, size, TIME_INFINITE); rngStop(&RNGD1); for (i = 0 ; i < size ; i++) { chprintf(chp, "%02x ", random_buffer[i]); if ((nl = (((i+1) % 20)) == 0)) chprintf(chp, "\r\n"); } if (!nl) chprintf(chp, "\r\n"); } static void cmd_watchdog(BaseSequentialStream *chp, int argc, char *argv[]) { if ((argc != 2) || (strcmp(argv[0], "start"))) { usage: chprintf(chp, "Usage: watchdog start \r\n" " = 0..%d seconds\r\n", WDG_MAX_TIMEOUT_MS/1000); return; } int timeout = atoi(argv[1]); if ((timeout < 0) || (timeout > (WDG_MAX_TIMEOUT_MS/1000))) goto usage; if (watchdog_started) { chprintf(chp, "Watchdog already started." " Can't be modified once activated.\r\n"); return; } chprintf(chp, "Watchdog started\r\n" "You need to push BTN1 every %d second(s)\r\n", timeout); WDG_config.timeout_ms = timeout * 1000; wdgStart(&WDGD1, &WDG_config); watchdog_started = true; } static void cmd_info(BaseSequentialStream *chp, int argc, char *argv[]) { chprintf(chp, "Watchdog max = %d ms\r\n", WDG_MAX_TIMEOUT_MS); } static THD_WORKING_AREA(shell_wa, 1024); static const ShellCommand commands[] = { {"info", cmd_info }, {"random", cmd_random }, {"watchdog", cmd_watchdog }, {NULL, NULL} }; static const ShellConfig shell_cfg1 = { (BaseSequentialStream *)&SD1, commands }; static SerialConfig serial_config = { .speed = 115200, .tx_pad = UART_TX, .rx_pad = UART_RX, #if NRF5_SERIAL_USE_HWFLOWCTRL == TRUE .rts_pad = UART_RTS, .cts_pad = UART_CTS, #endif }; static THD_WORKING_AREA(waThread1, 64); static THD_FUNCTION(Thread1, arg) { (void)arg; uint8_t led = LED4; chRegSetThreadName("blinker"); while (1) { palTogglePad(IOPORT1, led); chThdSleepMilliseconds(100); } } #define printf(fmt, ...) \ chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*)&SD1, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) /**@brief Function for application main entry. */ int main(void) { halInit(); chSysInit(); shellInit(); sdStart(&SD1, &serial_config); palSetPad(IOPORT1, LED1); palClearPad(IOPORT1, LED2); palClearPad(IOPORT1, LED3); palSetPad(IOPORT1, LED4); gptStart(&GPTD1, &gpt_config); gptStartContinuous(&GPTD1, 31250); chThdCreateStatic(waThread1, sizeof(waThread1), NORMALPRIO+1, Thread1, NULL); chThdCreateStatic(shell_wa, sizeof(shell_wa), NORMALPRIO+1, shellThread, (void *)&shell_cfg1); printf(PORT_INFO "\r\n"); chThdSleep(2); printf("Priority levels %d\r\n", CORTEX_PRIORITY_LEVELS); //test_execute((BaseSequentialStream *)&SD1); NRF_P0->DETECTMODE = 0; while (true) { if (watchdog_started && (palReadPad(IOPORT1, BTN1) == 0)) { palTogglePad(IOPORT1, LED1); wdgReset(&WDGD1); printf("Watchdog reseted\r\n"); } chThdSleepMilliseconds(250); } }