require 'libusb' # Abstracts access to uBoot avr tiny85 bootloader - can be used only to upload bytes class MicroBoot Functions = [ :get_info, :write_page, :run_program ] # return all thinklets def self.all usb = { |device| device.product == 'uBoot' }.map { |device| } end def initialize devref @device = devref end def info unless defined? @info result = control_transfer(function: :get_info, dataIn: 4) flash_length, page_size, write_sleep = result.unpack('S>CC') @info = { flash_length: flash_length, page_size: page_size, write_sleep: write_sleep.to_f / 1000.0, version: "#{@device.bcdDevice >> 8}.#{@device.bcdDevice & 0xFF}", version_numeric: @device.bcdDevice } end @info end # upload a new program def program= bytestring raise "Program too long!" if bytestring.bytesize > info[:flash_length] bytes = bytestring.bytes.to_a address = 0 bytes.each_slice(info[:page_size]) do |bytes| control_transfer(function: :write_page, wIndex: address, wValue: bytes.length, dataOut: bytes.pack('C*')) sleep(info[:write_sleep]) address += bytes.length end end def finished control_transfer(function: :run_program) sleep(info[:write_sleep]) # not sure if this is worth having? It's okay if USB fails now... @io.close @io = nil end protected # raw opened device def io unless @io @io = end @io end def control_transfer(opts = {}) opts[:bRequest] = Functions.index(opts.delete(:function)) if opts[:function] io.control_transfer({ wIndex: 0, wValue: 0, bmRequestType: usb_request_type(opts), timeout: 5000 }.merge opts) end def usb_request_type opts c = LIBUSB::Call value = c::RequestTypes[:REQUEST_TYPE_VENDOR] | c::RequestRecipients[:RECIPIENT_DEVICE] value |= c::EndpointDirections[:ENDPOINT_OUT] if opts.has_key? :dataOut value |= c::EndpointDirections[:ENDPOINT_IN] if opts.has_key? :dataIn return value end end class HexProgram def initialize input @bytes = input = if input.is_a? IO parse input end def binary highest_address = @bytes.keys.max bytestring = + 1) { |index| @bytes[index] }.pack('C*') end protected def parse input_text input_text.each_line do |line| next unless line.start_with? ':' line.chomp! length = line[1..2].to_i(16) # usually 16 or 32 address = line[3..6].to_i(16) # 16-bit start address record_type = line[7..8].to_i(16) data = line[9.. 9 + (length * 2)] checksum = line[9 + (length * 2).. 10 + (length * 2)].to_i(16) checksum_section = line[1...9 + (length * 2)] checksum_calculated = checksum_section.chars.to_a.each_slice(2).map { |slice| slice.join('').to_i(16) }.reduce(0, &:+) checksum_calculated = (((checksum_calculated % 256) ^ 0xFF) + 1) % 256 raise "Hex file checksum mismatch @ #{line}" unless checksum == checksum_calculated if record_type == 0 # data record data_bytes = data.chars.each_slice(2).map { |slice| slice.join('').to_i(16) } data_bytes.each_with_index do |byte, index| @bytes[address + index] = byte end end end end end if ARGV[0] if ARGV[0].end_with? '.hex' puts "parsing input file as intel hex" test_data = ARGV[0]).binary else puts "parsing input file as raw binary" test_data = open(ARGV[0]).read end else raise "Pass intel hex or raw binary as argument to script" end puts "Finding devices" thinklets = MicroBoot.all puts "Found #{thinklets.length} thinklet" exit unless thinklets.length > 0 thinklet = thinklets.first puts "First thinklet: #{}" puts "Attempting to write '#{test_data.inspect}' to first thinklet's program memory" puts "Bytes: #{test_data.bytes.to_a.inspect}" thinklet.program = test_data puts "That seems to have gone well! Telling thinklet to run program..." thinklet.finished # let thinklet know it can go do other things now if it likes puts "All done!"