require_relative './microboot' if ARGV[0] if ARGV[0].end_with? '.hex' puts "parsing input file as intel hex" test_data = ARGV[0]).binary else puts "parsing input file as raw binary" test_data = open(ARGV[0]).read end else raise "Pass intel hex or raw binary as argument to script" end puts "Plug in programmable device now: (waiting)" sleep 0.5 while MicroBoot.all.length == 0 thinklet = MicroBoot.all.first puts "Attached to device: #{thinklet.inspect}" #puts "Attempting to write '#{test_data.inspect}' to first thinklet's program memory" #puts "Bytes: #{test_data.bytes.to_a.inspect}" sleep(0.1) # some time to think? puts "Attempting to write supplied program in to device's memory" thinklet.program = test_data puts "That seems to have gone well! Telling thinklet to run program..." thinklet.finished # let thinklet know it can go do other things now if it likes puts "All done!"