== 1.04 - not yet released == firmware: o Further reduction in code size - not enough to gain another page yet o Reduced default configuration's timeout from 5ms to 2.5ms - seems to work on Mac, Windows 7, and Linux o Timeout mechanism now more robust - any usb requests reset timeout o You can poll info requests once every half second or so to keep bootloader captive, so it doesn't launch user program -- this is useful for programs which are likely to do strange things to the USB data lines - less freaking out usb -- root hubs in specialist applications where that can be predicted o Added warning when bootloader configured with idle timeout below duration of erase request (the longest running request) commandline: o Added percentage progress logging o New --dump-progress option outputs computer readable JSON lines, for driving GUIs, including raw progress bar data o Can pass "-" as filename to upload via stdin, for GUI apps o Exit code is more reliably not zero when an error occurs, and zero when upload succeeds flawlessly o Detect and refuse to upload to unknown newer versions of firmware o Adjusted some delays - uploads now take about a quarter to half of a second less time o `make install` works and installs to /usr/local/bin (anyone know how to make this smarter?) commandline's c library: o progress argument to eraseFlash and writeFlash functions - a function to call frequently with progress data -- eraseFlash: library currently simulates progress, by providing the erase_sleep progress in steps of 1% -- writeFlash: provides real progress, at about one update every write_sleep milliseconds (usually about 8-10ms) == 1.03 - released 2012-9-30 == o Reduced bootloader size by one page, expanding memory for user program by 64 bytes o Adjusted tinyvector table to correct size (four bytes) - giving user program two more bytes o Changed upload protocol in an incompatible way to enable smaller bootloaders in the future o Now we have a command line tool (which detects 1.02 and works around upload protocol differences) o Now requires all pages be written o 'Finish' command repurposed as 'run' command for bootloader configs where running user program maybe optional == 1.02 - released 2012-9-30 == o Most recent build before next release where some subtle protocol changes took place