# Name: Makefile # Project: Micronucleus # License: GNU GPL v2 (see License.txt) # # Controller type: ATtiny 841 # Configuration: Default configuration - 12 Mhz RC oscillator # Last Change: Mar 16,2014 F_CPU = 12000000 DEVICE = attiny841 # hexadecimal address for bootloader section to begin. To calculate the best value: # - make clean; make main.hex; ### output will list data: 2124 (or something like that) # - for the size of your device (8kb = 1024 * 8 = 8192) subtract above value 2124... = 6068 # - How many pages in is that? 6068 / 64 (tiny85 page size in bytes) = 94.8125 # - round that down to 94 - our new bootloader address is 94 * 64 = 6016, in hex = 1780 BOOTLOADER_ADDRESS = 1980 FUSEOPT = -U lfuse:w:0xe2:m -U hfuse:w:0xdd:m -U efuse:w:0xf4:m FUSEOPT_DISABLERESET = # Not supported