/* Name: main.c * Project: AVR bootloader HID * Author: Christian Starkjohann * Creation Date: 2007-03-19 * Tabsize: 4 * Copyright: (c) 2007 by OBJECTIVE DEVELOPMENT Software GmbH * License: Proprietary, free under certain conditions. See Documentation. * This Revision: $Id: main.c 787 2010-05-30 20:54:25Z cs $ */ #include #include #include #include #include "usbcalls.h" #define IDENT_VENDOR_NUM 0x16c0 #define IDENT_VENDOR_STRING "creativepony.com" #define IDENT_PRODUCT_NUM 1503 #define IDENT_PRODUCT_STRING "uBoot" // extra delays before more USB requests for tiny85 compatibility while chip frozen // this number could be lower than 16000 - minimum will be greater than 9000 (erase and write) #define TINY85_POSTWRITE_DELAY 16000 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static char dataBuffer[65536 + 256]; /* buffer for file data */ static int startAddress, endAddress; static char leaveBootLoader = 0; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int parseUntilColon(FILE *fp) { int c; do{ c = getc(fp); }while(c != ':' && c != EOF); return c; } static int parseHex(FILE *fp, int numDigits) { int i; char temp[9]; for(i = 0; i < numDigits; i++) temp[i] = getc(fp); temp[i] = 0; return strtol(temp, NULL, 16); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int parseIntelHex(char *hexfile, char buffer[65536 + 256], int *startAddr, int *endAddr) { int address, base, d, segment, i, lineLen, sum; FILE *input; input = fopen(hexfile, "r"); if(input == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "error opening %s: %s\n", hexfile, strerror(errno)); return 1; } while(parseUntilColon(input) == ':'){ sum = 0; sum += lineLen = parseHex(input, 2); base = address = parseHex(input, 4); sum += address >> 8; sum += address; sum += segment = parseHex(input, 2); /* segment value? */ if(segment != 0) /* ignore lines where this byte is not 0 */ continue; for(i = 0; i < lineLen ; i++){ d = parseHex(input, 2); buffer[address++] = d; sum += d; } sum += parseHex(input, 2); if((sum & 0xff) != 0){ fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Checksum error between address 0x%x and 0x%x\n", base, address); } if(*startAddr > base) *startAddr = base; if(*endAddr < address) *endAddr = address; } fclose(input); return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ char *usbErrorMessage(int errCode) { static char buffer[80]; switch(errCode){ case USB_ERROR_ACCESS: return "Access to device denied"; case USB_ERROR_NOTFOUND: return "The specified device was not found"; case USB_ERROR_BUSY: return "The device is used by another application"; case USB_ERROR_IO: return "Communication error with device"; default: sprintf(buffer, "Unknown USB error %d", errCode); return buffer; } return NULL; /* not reached */ } static int getUsbInt(char *buffer, int numBytes) { int shift = 0, value = 0, i; for(i = 0; i < numBytes; i++){ value |= ((int)*buffer & 0xff) << shift; shift += 8; buffer++; } return value; } static void setUsbInt(char *buffer, int value, int numBytes) { int i; for(i = 0; i < numBytes; i++){ *buffer++ = value; value >>= 8; } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct deviceInfo{ char reportId; char pageSize[2]; // TODO: change this to one byte? char flashSize[4]; // TODO: change this to two bytes? }deviceInfo_t; typedef struct deviceData{ char reportId; char address[3]; char data[64]; }deviceData_t; static int uploadData(char *dataBuffer, int startAddr, int endAddr) { usbDevice_t *dev = NULL; int err = 0, len, pageSize, deviceSize; union{ char bytes[1]; deviceInfo_t info; deviceData_t data; } buffer; if((err = usbOpenDevice(&dev, IDENT_VENDOR_NUM, IDENT_VENDOR_STRING, IDENT_PRODUCT_NUM, IDENT_PRODUCT_STRING, 1)) != 0){ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening HIDBoot device: %s\n", usbErrorMessage(err)); goto errorOccurred; } len = sizeof(buffer); if(endAddr > startAddr){ // we need to upload data if((err = usbGetReport(dev, USB_HID_REPORT_TYPE_FEATURE, 1, buffer.bytes, &len)) != 0){ fprintf(stderr, "Error reading page size: %s\n", usbErrorMessage(err)); goto errorOccurred; } if(len < sizeof(buffer.info)){ fprintf(stderr, "Not enough bytes in device info report (%d instead of %d)\n", len, (int)sizeof(buffer.info)); err = -1; goto errorOccurred; } pageSize = getUsbInt(buffer.info.pageSize, 2); deviceSize = getUsbInt(buffer.info.flashSize, 4); printf("Page size = %d (0x%x)\n", pageSize, pageSize); printf("Device size = %d (0x%x)\n", deviceSize, deviceSize); if(endAddr > deviceSize){ fprintf(stderr, "Data (%d bytes) exceeds remaining flash size!\n", endAddr); err = -1; goto errorOccurred; } startAddr -= startAddr % pageSize; // round down to start of page endAddr = (endAddr - (endAddr % pageSize)) + pageSize; // round up to next whole page printf("Uploading %d (0x%x) bytes starting at %d (0x%x)\n", endAddr - startAddr, endAddr - startAddr, startAddr, startAddr); while(startAddr < endAddr){ buffer.data.reportId = 2; memcpy(buffer.data.data, dataBuffer + startAddr, pageSize); setUsbInt(buffer.data.address, startAddr, 3); printf("\r0x%05x ... 0x%05x", startAddr, startAddr + pageSize); fflush(stdout); if((err = usbSetReport(dev, USB_HID_REPORT_TYPE_FEATURE, buffer.bytes, sizeof(buffer.data))) != 0){ fprintf(stderr, "Error uploading data block: %s\n", usbErrorMessage(err)); goto errorOccurred; } startAddr += pageSize; // special tiny85 chillout session - chip freezes during write, so we // need to make sure we don't send it any requests while it's busy // erasing and writing usleep(TINY85_POSTWRITE_DELAY); // regular page write duration } printf("\n"); } if(leaveBootLoader){ /* and now leave boot loader: */ buffer.info.reportId = 1; usbSetReport(dev, USB_HID_REPORT_TYPE_FEATURE, buffer.bytes, sizeof(buffer.info)); /* Ignore errors here. If the device reboots before we poll the response, * this request fails. */ } errorOccurred: if(dev != NULL) usbCloseDevice(dev); return err; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void printUsage(char *pname) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-r] []\n", pname); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *file = NULL; if(argc < 2){ printUsage(argv[0]); return 1; } if(strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0){ printUsage(argv[0]); return 1; } if(strcmp(argv[1], "-r") == 0){ leaveBootLoader = 1; if(argc >= 3){ file = argv[2]; } }else{ file = argv[1]; } startAddress = sizeof(dataBuffer); endAddress = 0; if(file != NULL){ // an upload file was given, load the data memset(dataBuffer, -1, sizeof(dataBuffer)); if(parseIntelHex(file, dataBuffer, &startAddress, &endAddress)) return 1; if(startAddress >= endAddress){ fprintf(stderr, "No data in input file, exiting.\n"); return 0; } } // if no file was given, endAddress is less than startAddress and no data is uploaded if(uploadData(dataBuffer, startAddress, endAddress)) return 1; return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */