# List of devices with Micronucleus (incomplete) # Micronucleus is widely used on thousands of open hardware product by different vendors. Please submit a pull request to add your own devices to this list, in case you design new hardware employing the Micronucleus bootloader. Please note that Micronucleus is a completely independent project and is not afilliated in any way with the vendors mentioned below. ## ATtiny85 ## - [Digispark](http://digistump.com/products/1) by [Digistump](digistump.com) - Widely spread tiny USB Developmentboard with Arduino-Support. - [Olimexino 85](https://www.olimex.com/Products/Duino/AVR/open-source-hardware) by [Olimex](https://www.olimex.com) - Several different devboards fully assembled or as kits with USB interface - [Usblinky](https://metalab.at/wiki/Usblinky) by [Metalab](https://metalab.at) - Tiny USB controller for WS2812 RGB LEDs. - [Nanite 85](https://cpldcpu.wordpress.com/2014/04/25/the-nanite-85/) - Smallest useable ATtiny85 devboard. Approximates DIP ATtiny85 form factor. - [Wattuino Nanite 85](http://www.watterott.com/en/Wattuino-Nanite85) by [Watterott](http://www.watterott.com) - Manufacturable redesign of the Nanite 85 - [BBtech ATtiny85 board](https://www.tindie.com/products/BBTech/attiny85-usb-development-tool-board/) - Well designed ATtiny85 board in Trinket form factor. Discontinued(?) ## ATtiny 841 ## ## ATtiny 167 ## - [Digispark Pro](http://digistump.com/products/109) by [Digistump](digistump.com) - Digispark successor with more I/O and memory