path: root/upgrade/utils.h
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authorBluebie <>2012-10-04 11:26:39 +1000
committerBluebie <>2012-10-04 11:26:39 +1000
commit81ff282291527178abab4ab63b22065d6eb3cb2f (patch)
tree7d80a9b0de87412fa2d3d53646b26d9c85ec6de2 /upgrade/utils.h
parentc4918723c476db48c53cafe0b5373223cd1cca04 (diff)
Added viral in place upgrader tool, to upgrade bootloaders via the bootloader itself (should work with any attiny85 bootloader I think, in either direction)
Diffstat (limited to 'upgrade/utils.h')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/upgrade/utils.h b/upgrade/utils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c84ee56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upgrade/utils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+#include <util/delay_basic.h>
+#include <avr/io.h>
+// For the niceness
+typedef unsigned char byte;
+typedef unsigned char boolean;
+// make bit & value, eg bit(5) #=> 0b00010000
+#define bit(number) _BV(number)
+#define pin(number) _BV(number)
+// USI serial aliases
+#define USIOutputPort PORTE
+#define USIInputPort PINE
+#define USIDirectionPort DDRE
+#define USIClockPin PE4
+#define USIDataInPin PE5
+#define USIDataOutPin PE6
+// booleans
+#define on 255
+#define off 0
+#define true 1
+#define false 0
+#define yes true
+#define no false
+// ensure a value is within the bounds of a minimum and maximum (inclusive)
+#define constrainUpper(value, max) (value > max ? max : value)
+#define constrainLower(value, min) (value < min ? min : value)
+#define constrain(value, min, max) constrainLower(constrainUpper(value, max), min)
+#define multiplyDecimal(a,b) (((a) * (b)) / 256)
+// set a pin on DDRB to be an input or an output - i.e. becomeOutput(pin(3));
+#define inputs(pinmap) DDRB &= ~(pinmap)
+#define outputs(pinmap) DDRB |= (pinmap)
+// turn some pins on or off
+#define pinsOn(pinmap) PORTB |= (pinmap)
+#define pinsOff(pinmap) PORTB &= ~(pinmap)
+#define pinsToggle(pinmap) PORTB ^= pinmap
+// turn a single pin on or off
+#define pinOn(pin) pinsOn(bit(pin))
+#define pinOff(pin) pinsOff(bit(pin))
+// TODO: Should be called pinToggle
+#define toggle(pin) pinsToggle(bit(pin))
+// delay a number of microseconds - or as close as we can get
+#if F_CPU == 16500000
+ // special version to deal with half-mhz speed. in a resolution of 2us increments, rounded up
+ // this loop has been tuned empirically with an oscilloscope and works in avr-gcc 4.5.1
+ static inline void microdelay(int microseconds) {
+ while (microseconds > 1) {
+ // 16 nops
+ asm("NOP");asm("NOP");asm("NOP");asm("NOP");asm("NOP");asm("NOP");asm("NOP");asm("NOP");
+ asm("NOP");asm("NOP");asm("NOP");asm("NOP");asm("NOP");asm("NOP");asm("NOP");asm("NOP");
+ // 16 nops
+ asm("NOP");asm("NOP");asm("NOP");asm("NOP");asm("NOP");asm("NOP");asm("NOP");asm("NOP");
+ asm("NOP");asm("NOP");asm("NOP");
+ microseconds -= 2;
+ }
+ }
+ #define microdelay(microseconds) _delay_loop_2(((microseconds) * (F_CPU / 100000)) / 40)
+// delay in milliseconds - a custom implementation to avoid util/delay's tendancy to import floating point math libraries
+inline void delay(unsigned int ms) {
+ while (ms > 0) {
+ // delay for one millisecond (250*4 cycles, multiplied by cpu mhz)
+ // subtract number of time taken in while loop and decrement and other bits
+ _delay_loop_2((25 * F_CPU / 100000));
+ ms--;
+ }
+// digital read returns 0 or 1
+#define get(pin) ((PINB >> pin) & 0b00000001)
+#define getBitmap(bitmap) (PINB & bitmap)
+static inline void set(byte pin, byte state) {
+ if (state) { pinOn(pin); } else { pinOff(pin); }
+ // alternatly:
+ // PORTB = (PORTB & ~(bit(pin)) | ((state & 1) << pin);